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Enter the high end of the global industry, Xinchang listed companies set off an overseas m&a boom.
發佈時間:2018-01-21 12:14:20    

   On the eve of the New Year's day in 2018, Wanfeng aviation industry co., LTD., which is owned by Wanfeng Otte holdings, held the purchase and delivery the closing ceremony of the Austrian diamond aircraft company in Vienna, completed the handover of ownership and management of the company before the New Year. It was one of the biggest acquisitions since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Austria.

  Like Wanfeng, in recent years, Xinchang listed companies set off a wave of overseas mergers and acquisitions. Through overseas mergers and acquisitions, xinchang backbone enterprises extended the industrial chain and promoted their position in the global industrial value chain and let Xinchang, a mountainous area, and the global industrial chain resonance, for the high quality growth injection of new impetus.

  The small mountain county is “going out”

  Many people did not expect that a small mountain county like Xinchang would be so closely related to the global industrial chain.

  Xinchang takes the listed company as the main body and takes the merger and reorganization as the means to comprehensively integrate the industrial chain to form an industrial organization system with listed companies as the leading enterprises, strengthen the industrial chain, make deep value chain and enhance competitiveness.

  "We and a German pharmaceutical company jointly developed a surgical navigation instrument for hepatocellular carcinoma, which has been successfully tested in domestic hospitals." Zhejiang Jingxin Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd., through the purchase of German technology, successfully entered the field of international cutting-edge Pharmaceutical equipment, and the r&d center was introduced to Hangzhou from Germany. At the same time, Jingxin Pharmaceutical industry has taken over the global industrial highland and promoted the rapid development of enterprises through the acquisition of single champions of pharmaceutical companies in Denmark, Israel and the United States.

  A number of Xinchang listed companies frequently, in the international market acquisition of the industry chain of companies. The enterprises involved in transnational mergers and acquisitions mainly include the listed companies such as Sanhua stock, Wanfeng Auto Wheels, Meisheng culture, Rifa Precision Machinery, Jingxin Pharmaceutical and other listed enterprises and their affiliated enterprises. In the competition, the company cooperated to create conditions for the merger and reorganization, such as in 2011, Sanhua acquired the rival Lanke company, and mastered the right to speak on the global business of the four-way directional valve.

  "These listed companies that carry out cross-border mergers and acquisitions have strong industry competitiveness and strong financial strength, and they are all focused on the main business and have a strong sense of development." Zhang Kairong, director of the finance office of Xinchang county, said that the cross-border mergers and acquisitions involved are concentrated in developed regions of Europe and the United States. The leading enterprises in Xinchang have realized their own transformation and upgrading by using modern financial factors, and also played an important role in the stable development of regional economy. Since 2007, Xinchang listed companies have set off an overseas m&a boom. According to the statistics of Xinchang county financial office, up to now, there have been 19 overseas mergers and acquisitions, involving a total of 7.6 billion yuan.

  The report of the 19th congress of the communist party of China proposed to enhance the financial services' economic capacity and increase the proportion of direct financing. Xinchang has invested in the real economy through public financing or through exchanges, including overseas mergers and acquisitions of listed companies.

  "Xinchang is built on the real economy, which is the basis for our development. We should firmly adhere to the real economy and promote the real economy through overseas mergers and acquisitions." The principal of Xinchang county committee said that in recent years, Xinchang has taken the whole province as an opportunity to revitalize the real economy, and firmly take the road of economic materialization and high-end industry. The industry continues to move towards the middle and high end, and the overseas m&a of listed companies adds new vitality to the transformation and upgrading of the real economy.

  The “tangible hand” is useful

  The overseas mergers and acquisitions of listed companies are mainly corporate behaviors, so what role does the government's "tangible hand" play? At the government level, the promotion of cross-border m&a by enterprises is mainly to conduct policy guidance and optimize service work.

  Leveraging the leverage of policy to drive the enthusiasm of the enterprise. The implementation of transnational merger and acquisition, although it is the internal demand of the enterprise's own development process, and the government's encouragement policy also plays an active role in it. Since 2012, Xinchang county committee and county government have issued policies to encourage enterprises to establish overseas enterprises, and specific incentives have been clarified: For the overseas investment of $500,000, the company will reward 10,000 yuan, for the successful merger and acquisition of overseas enterprises, reward 10,000 yuan for each $1,000,000 purchase. At the same time, Xinchang has also made good policy implementation, ensuring that the policy is not discounted and the incentive funds are in place, and the incentive fund has been cashed at RMB 2.69 million. In the overseas acquisition of overseas research and development institutions, the county offered a subsidy of 300,000 yuan, Wanfeng, Rifa and other enterprises have received this subsidy.

  Xinchang also established a database of transnational mergers and acquisitions enterprises, and implemented targeted and targeted services, provided timely policy publicity, business training and guidance, establish a communication platform, and carry out a one-to-one tracking service for m&a projects. Actively strengthen the communication with the competent department, timely solve enterprises cross-border m&a projects in the problems in the process of examination and approval, improve efficiency, also provided the conditions for enterprises to realize cross-border m&a in the shortest time and with the lowest cost.

  The tax risks of overseas mergers and acquisitions run through the whole process of the project, and the different tax policies in China and abroad make it difficult for enterprises to deal with it. How to provide better service for enterprises? Xinchang county state and local taxes jointly formed a merger, acquisition and reorganization professional management team, carefully study the typical case, forming a series of "corporate restructuring guidance case", provide intellectual support for the "going out" of the enterprise.

  "The quality of government services has greatly improved the efficiency of overseas acquisitions." Zhejiang Meisheng group head Zhao Xiaoqiang said.

  Acquisition project "come back"

  The report of the 19th congress of the communist party of China proposed that it should be brought in and out of the country. Going out to acquire, go back to development, the listed company is in realize oneself rapid development at the same time, also drive the Xinchang economy to accelerate the transformation and upgrading. While many listed companies in Xinchang are making cross-border mergers and acquisitions, many m&a projects have come back to settle down, forming a virtuous circle.

  The reporter recently arrived at Xinchang of Zhejiang businessmen's transnational merger and acquisition return project industrial park, has completed the land level, has the basic conditions for the project to settle down. Liang jun, director of the management committee of Xinchang industrial park, said that they should optimize and simplify the approval process, and strengthen the guarantee of funds, land and personnel.Working hard to solve the difficulties and problems in the progress of the project, and promote the early implementation of major projects, early investment and early results.

  According to introducing, Zhejiang businessmen regression of transnational m&a project industrial park, which is based on planning and construction YiYongZhou open channel, focus on developing new and high technology, intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, multinational company headquarters, modern logistics, etc. It also serves the development and creation of core products of transnational m&a enterprises and the return of production projects.

  A batch of overseas m&a projects will bring better development opportunities to Xinchang. After the acquisition of the Canadian DFC aviation school (diamond flight center) and the Czech DF company into general aviation, Wanfeng is making an orderly progress in the aviation town project built in Xinchang.

來源: 浙江線上    | 作者:翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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