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Zhejiang Scenery: Qi Garden
發佈時間:2018-01-21 11:57:11    

   Qi garden is one of the Chinese ten gardens, located in Jiaxing city of Zhejiang province Wu Yuan County Qi garden alley, covers an area of 148 acres. The garden was originally the waste garden in Ming Dynasty, after Feng’s built a garden in here, people said this is Feng garden.

  Xianfeng (1851-1861) in Qing Dynasty, two gardens had been destroyed by fire. Tongzhi six years, Feng Zuanzhai set two gardens rock essence, and add some Tai lake stone, construction of the park, Tongzhi ten years to take shape. After the construction of additional attractions, such as pavilions, terraces and open halls, and named Yi park. After the liberation of the Feng Garden will be dedicated to the country, in 1960 10 to October 1961 into the Jiaxing agency workers' sanatorium. In 1967, it was renamed to Haiyan people's Park. In 1980 was listed as key cultural relics protection units at the county level, June 1985 restoration of Qi Park, in 1990 as the provincial key cultural relic protection units

  Before the Qi garden is the house building, the existing building has Sanle Hall etc.. Sanle Hall is a nine bay and two story, before and after are both the patio door in the brick decorated fly rafter brackets, hidden hall plaque “ Junior Bamboo and Big Pine”.

  After the house is a garden, it covers an area of 10000 square meters, the water surface is about 2000 square meters, and the trees cover about 7000 square meters. In the Park, the essence things are trees, mountain and pool, and the ancient trees can touch the sky. The mountain, water, bamboo, wood, hall, pavilion, pavilion, bridge, tunnel, beam layout exquisite, well-proportioned. Water with hill, mountain alive because of water, every thing is in its seat.

  Into the park is a spacious and bright hall surrounded by “ hundreds tree Hall”. Water in the front of the hall. Around the hall around the mountain to the East, piercing mountain pool, pool on a curved bridge in front of the hall, side by side and across the river embankment, rockery, hall after the barrier to the hill, mountain rugged, northwest of a stone hall “beauty look at mirror”. The mirror, with a circular stone at the neck in the morning in the hole, the glorious radiance streamer as a mirror; The beauty, is a metaphor of stone beauty, emotional beauty Yu two visitors. Visitors viewing such as beauty mirror.

  After the water bright as a mirror, In the East has “drunk Singing Pavilion”; Northwest has “rimpa waterside”, across the Hong bridge and walk along the north of the road, the road embankment with hill, old vines creeping, the bamboo road, circled to the top, there is a “ Little hidden Pavilion” in the mountain’s peak, which is the the highest point of the whole Park Hill.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:張旭    | 責編:李佩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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