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Zhejiang scenery: Shun Geng Park
發佈時間:2018-01-15 16:52:32    

Shun Geng Park is located in Zhejiang Shangyu. It isn't far behind Cao E Temple and it was built in 2001. The park takes the group statues of Shun’s farming, DaShun Temple and Shun Well as the main attractions which reflects Emperor Shun was born in Shangyu and preventing Danzhu later, so it was named in the history. In the square of  Shun Geng Park, there is a huge stone standing there which is called "Magpie Coming Stone". It was said early that there was a god magpie moved by the deeds Cao E saving her father. It used its mouth to pick stones and build the foundation of Cao E Temple with its power.


The central building of Shun Geng Park is a large statue of Emperor Shun farming in the elephant shape which is standing on the square and relying on the mountains. It was created by a famous master of art Han Meilin which reflects the scene of Shun was farming with a herd of elephants in the stars and the moon. The herd of elephant has ten large stone elephants. The great Shun was standing on the back of elephant,holding the sun, the moon and stars, and driving the elephants to cultivate. The whole sculpture is 65 meters long and 26.4 meters high. The height of Great Shun was 9.6 meters. It is the longest city statue in our country and the largest in the world. The huge sculpture used more than 10 thousand tons of granite rubble which is divided into 1251 pieces. After the production in Hebei Province, the elephant stones were finally transported by 51 30-tons trucks. It is the first in Asia in terms of its size and magnificence. On the hillside cross section behind the elephant sculpture, there is also a huge relief stone wall carved by the section of the mountain, which is consistent with the sculpture composition, the relief sculpture is primitive and the lines are smooth.

As the hometown of Yu Shun, Shangyu had the Great Shun Temple in the Xia Dynasty. It was one of the two sacrificial temples in Zhejiang. Due to the historical reasons, the former Great Shun Temple has been annihilated. With the development of the social economy, people are increasingly calling for the reconstruction of the temple.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯 陳萍萍    | 責編:陶嫦君    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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