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Zhejiang Scenery: Daming Mountain in West Zhehjiang
發佈時間:2018-01-11 14:19:35    

Daming Mountain is a mountain in China, 70 kilometers away from Yellow Mountain, the terrain elevation more than one thousand meters, so the high mountains and deep valleys, towering peaks, magnificent layer upon layer of peaks and knolls, very spectacular, climatic conditions and geological conditions similar to Yellow Mountain.

The color of Mountain is black just like Chinese ink landscape, pines, rocks, clouds, peaks emerge in an endless stream called "Zhejiang junior Yellow Mountain", but Daming Mountain also different from the Yellow Mountain, south of several mountain peaks above 1400 meters and three 1100 meters above the mountain basin, which are composed of metamorphic sandstone and shale and metamorphic volcano rock mountain gentle, misty forests, abundant water, clear water, for many years continuously.


Daming Mountain forest coverage rate is high, there are more valuable species, rare Yellow Mountain pine, plots of Rhododendron and were listed as national Second protected plants Sinocalycanthus chinensis.

Three strange of Daming Mountain

One strange: In Daming Mountain at an elevation of 1100 meters, the top of the mountain to cut cliff, discovered the vast acres of meadow, commonly known as "Thousand acre field", and do not say on how magnificent scenery is a strong visual contrast the deep cliff and the boundless plain, dramatic aesthetic contrast of style of South Yangtze River landscape and outside of customs, enough to call China not, not to mention it was Bixin Zhu Yuanzhang lay down the Daming Mountain, is the Ming Dynasty wind China up shrine.

Two strange: Such as cutting as the picturesque forest landscape can be seen everywhere, especially Gunagxiu, Xiangchou, Yuzheng, Xiuyue, Fuling, Jianmei and Luoyan seven peaks, peak as the name suggests, look different, charming appearance and personality, and hugged distinguished air of elegance and coquetry, ink painting, sun in the sky is stand to touch the sky. It’s not Yellow Mountain but suspected of Yellow Mountain.

Three strange: The mountain stream is long, fast deep forest, large gap,enough water, forming many Daming Mountain scenic spots; at the same time, abundant rain nourishes the scenic lush vegetation, a piece of maple and ginkgo, Sinocalycanthus chinensis, southern hemlock, celestial cuckoo, to Daming Mountain covered with beautiful costumes, which is full of the male female charm is full of vigor and soft feeling.

The wonderland of Daming Mountain

Strange pine, rocks, sea of clouds is the natural good fortune, the top of the mountain meadow, the meters acres arranged in a crisscross pattern and the beautiful scenery of the mountain caves of Daming Lake is the highest mountain in the South East, there are seven peaks in the magnificent tip, looks like e to stab the day, there are pines in different poses and with different expressions, for instance, is beautiful the scenery, the quiet valley of thousand acres of fields.

The fog mountain is often seen in Daming Mountain scenery, waterfalls and more stunning. Split Maninsan mountain streams, waterfalls, forming four waterfalls, the most spectacular waterfalls in Dragon door. The White Snake Jian from LAN Tang slowly flow to enter the granite area, suddenly water rapids, formed five waterfalls, from top to bottom for the sword pool waterfall, waterfall, waterfall, white jade and Pearl Dragon Waterfall, waterfall between lake, fish Lake, long chixu, people do not panic. Daming Mountain Rocks "monk learn scriptures ," and "Braised Frog-Shaped Abalone" and "tortoise leopard whale", different shapes and lifelike.

If the wonderful Daming Mountain landscape has not been enough to make people dump, then, Thousand acres field scenery is more people must applaud, more than praise. Thousand acres field flat terrain, is a small mountain valley basin surrounded by mountains, streams from the basin in the twists and turns of echoes and sluggish flow, there is less than thirty meters wide, only in the dragon door, streams pass out after Longmen is a waterfall. The hillside grass Lin deep, flowers everywhere, and when the summer, the mountain is here but orchids spit flourishing leaves and withering flowers, jasmine, azaleas in full bloom, colorful like solidified sunset, is really beautiful; the bottom of deep soil abundant water.


It used to create fertile acres, "Thousand acres field" names to which. The towering tall, towering towering maninsan high mountain top, a rustic scenery appeared quiet valley basin. Here is similar to Thousand acres field peak valley basin that there are two, one is which one acre away from Thousand acres field across the Lilan Pond, elevation 1100 meters, has built the reservoir, it is a high gap flat pool; the other one is located in white snake rock Wailan Pool, has sea of clouds and sunrise astronomical phenomena scenery and other celestial phenomena like Baijiang platform, the hidden village, Huizhao temple and other scenic sites of modern revolutionary activities. Daming Mountain scenic area also includes Ruijing cave, Yuling Checkpoint tuankou, Tuankou hot springs and other attractions.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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