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Zhejiang Scenery: The first shining place of Millennium of dawn—— Wenling Stone Pool
發佈時間:2018-01-01 15:14:20    

Known as “the painting town” said the Stone pool town with its fusion of heavenly skillful and artificial wonderful scenery of attracting foreign tourists, especially in the filming of CCTV to the “small fishing village Syria” after the broadcast, painters, poets and photographers is known as the “Eastern Oriental Notre Dame de Paris”. The hills in the town of stony are undulating. Stone town of old stone hill. Because of the coastal, wind and rain invasion, soil loss, mountains of rock formed by the name. Qing《Guangxu Taiping continued Recording》 contains: “Shi Tang Shan Mountain is in the southeast of southeast, tortuous stretches dozens of years, divided into three sections on the lower and has seventy-two flat land”; The lion mountain peak 223 meters high, winding ups and downs, the shape of a lion, there has many beautiful views: “through the hole on the three hole magic perfect”, a ray of the sun shining into the fascinating, striking one snag after another. The mountain cliff on the “Stone shining and Sea moon”, “sea and sky like painting” a few words in Ming Dynasty are vigorous and dignified, Chen Jun book. In 2009 the “Wenling ten scenes”award, Shi Tang of the dawn of the Millennium Monument and the mountain hut among them, and was named as the “dawn blessing” and “Listening waves in Stone house”.


Stone building: Stone Town building is the mountain and the sea, to block stone building, the level of well-proportioned, stone, stone, stone, Stone Street Lane, unique style, unique and aesthetic. Ao Shan Tong radius of four or five square kilometers, the whole is “ house is biting mountain, mountain hug stone building”, stone carving in knots, orderly level, a group of. The most representative of the three or four layers of the stone castle building, with rectangular stone, pole work all over the ground, like a European medieval castle.

Stone pane in Stone Pool is unique, with a hard granite chisel out geometric pattern changing, the center has a gourd, Pisces, lion mascot symbolizes good wishes of the hearts of the fishermen. These “Castle”, stone window and fishing women's head and flowers in hair, deep historical dignified, the vicissitudes of life and old people.


“Millennium dawn monument”: at 6:46 on January 1, 2000, the first dawning of the new millennium was first illuminated in China's mainland of Wenling stone pond. In order to make this millennium become an eternal memory, according to the arrangement of the Organizing Committee of China Millennium dawn Festival, an epoch-making “ Millennium dawn tablet” and viewing platform were built in Wenling stone pond. Permanent commemoration of the dawn of the monument towering in view of dawn garden center, two relative aspects tall, like two fan up door, a symbol of the new century has opened the door. In October 26, 2000, the national astronomical observation center of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 2000 China Commission in Beijing announced that the asteroid named “Wenling dawn” star was numbered 14147. It became the first asteroids named after the city of Zhejiang.

Other landscape: Stone pool had ten scenes, after years of change, some scenic spots gradually annihilation. The attraction is located in the town of West Lion Mountain, the Department of Tong mountain, shaped like a lion, tall towering; Miaogong Mountain in the east of the town to repeated lightning named, a female militia post, people often can see the sunrise in the lofty, bright and brave; there is a small island in the southeast of stone town about 3.5 kilometers, called three garlic island. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the island was filled with garlic, and the fishermen nearby often dug garlic to eat, and the name came from it. In addition to three garlic Island, there is a garlic island and two garlic island.


The stone pond planetarium, which is indissoluble with astronomy, is the science education base of the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is a comprehensive planetarium with sightseeing tours and popular science education. There are four major series of ship models, fishermen's costumes, sea fishing scene reproduction and sea biological specimens.

In addition, the ancient fishing village custom, such as Da drum, carrying Tai Hall, and July 7th villain Festival, can enjoy the vitality of ancient customs and life in Southern Fujian.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網綜合    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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