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Zhejiang Scenery: Tianji Longmen
發佈時間:2017-12-31 14:37:51    

Tianji Longmen (formerly known as Longmen Valley) is one of the national Forest Park, the provincial scenic area - Ziwei Mountain National Forest Park scenic area, is a national 4A level scenic spots, which is part of South of Quzhou Xianxia Ridge mountains system. Located in Longmen village of Huang Tan Kou Township, Qujiang District, Quzhou, Zhejiang, the development area of the village is 14 square kilometers, which is a scenic and tourist area with sightseeing and leisure. Scenic strange stone, natural caves, valley stream and natural landscape in one, gathering mountain, forest, poly spring, waterfall, clouds, fog and other wonders in a valley, forming a form of dangerous, male, strange, beautiful and quite.


In the scenic mountain mainly by volcano rocks, late Jurassic gaowu formation over the complex, from purple grey block welded tuff composition. Among them, the water gate is 1452.6 meters above sea level, which is one of the highest peaks in Quzhou. According to legend, the White Snake and Fahai monk battle of wits, drowned in Zhejiang water overflows golden hill, all the mountains, but with a sharp peak of watergate. Boarded the peak overlooking Quzhou, facing the mountains and picturesque.


The legendary dragon has a mysterious color on the Tianji Longmen. The nine sons of the dragon, because each and everyone has his hobby, different landscape scenery, special shape anisotropy. Five, in the area of five dragon bridge and nine dragon pavilions, the carp jump the dragon door, East Sea Ryumiya and ambergris spa, Dragon pool waterfall and flying bridge landscape stunning! Two thousand meters cliff on the cliff ridge between the Dragon seems to fly in the reproduction, steep deification! Walking in the dialogue with the Dragon cliff path along the cliff, the shuttle in the flying bridge to cloud dance, let you instantly pride!


來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網綜合    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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