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Zhejiang Scenery: Roar Mountain
發佈時間:2017-12-30 21:21:10    

The Roar mountain is located in the Gaobu town, Yuecheng area, shaoxing city, Zhejiang province. Originally known as "Quanting mountain", also had the name "dog mountain", after the local dialect, changed to "roar mountain". The natural scenery is unique and the humanities have a long history. Since the Han dynast chiseled mountains and quarried stones, after thousands of years of stone cutting and the formation of nature, formed the strange natural landscape of the mountain, the stone, the deep cave and water. It is the outstanding representative of Shaoxing culture.

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The Roar mountain scenic area consists of the roar mountain park, the landscape park, the water park, the flower and fruit park and Zhanyang park five parks. It has 48 scenic spots and is famous for its stone scenery. The "chessboard stone" is the essence of the roar mountain view, and "cloud stone" is one of the Yuezhong 12 scenic spots. The checkerboard stone is located halfway up the mountainside, solitary and independent, with a height of more than 30 meters and a circumference of more than 10 meters. There are three bizarre horizontal stone on it,it got its name because there were two fairies playing chess here. The "cloud platform" is thick and thin, and the bottom is thin and clear. There is an oval-shaped stone on top of it which looks like a cloud. It was like flying from the sky, hence the name "cloud stone". Under the rock, there is a spring of "cloud stone spring", the water quality is clear and never dry. At the slope of the foothills, there are thousands of peach trees. They are all open in spring, looks very beautiful. Every year, there is a roar mountain peach festival here and the flat peach here is one of the best fruits in Yuezhong.

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Roar mountain has unique natural scenery and rich cultural landscape. King Goujian fed dog and hunt deer here, the ancestral home of the patriotic poet Lu you is in the Roar mountain. The famous celebrities have left their footprints in Roar mountain, such as Tao Wangling, Zhang Dai, Yuan Hongdao, Xu Wei, Tao Yunyi, Zha Shenxing in the Ming dynasty, Tao Chengzhang, Cai Yuanpei, Lu xun in modern times and so on.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯 耿凱寧    | 責編:陶嫦君    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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