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Zhejiang scenery:Jian Lake
發佈時間:2017-12-29 15:45:53    

Jian Lake is located in the south of Shaoxing city, Zhejiang province, China. It is a famous water conservancy project south of the Yangtze river and is a remnant of ancient Jian Lake, one of Zhejiang famous lakes. It is commonly known as Long Lake, Great Lake, Qing Lake. Its elegant name is Mirror Lake, Hejian Lake. The lake is about 15 kilometers long and the area is 3 square kilometers. As the saying goes, "Jian Lake is eight hundred li", you can think of the broad Jian Lake of that year. The Jian Lake, formerly known as the Mirror Lake, got the name because Huangdi casting mirror here. Jian Lake is the mother river of Shaoxing, because its special water quality makes Shaoxing yellow wine is difficult to imitate. It is said that the most brilliant winemaker, without the water of the lake, there is no "clear and fragrant" wine as Shaoxing yellow wine.


Jian Lake is a Jiangnan watertown style scenic area for sightseeing and leisure vacation. It is composed of the east cross lake bridge, the Kuai Ge, the three hills, the Qingshui gate , the Ke yan and the Hu tang 6 scenic spots and the tourist activity area of Hunan mountain. The lake is broad, and the water is vast. Taking a boat cruising on the lake, near you can see the blue waves, the hills overlap in the distance, you will feel like you are playing in the mirror. Jian Lake has a unique natural scenery, as well as many places of interest. On the east side of the lake is the tomb of Ma Zhen. He launched the public to build water conservancy but offended the gentry and was falsely accused of death. Later, the people tried to bring back his remains and bury him at the side of the lake. They built tombs and temples and made a permanent memorial to him. The tomb is under the east cross lake bridge of the Jian Lake, behind is the Jian Lake, in front is the wilderness. There is a stone in front of the tomb, it is inscribed with "King Liji's tomb".


The Jian Lake scenic spot at the foot of the Ke mountain is a major part of Jian Lake, with an area of 1.47 square kilometers, including 48.7% of the water area. It contains four scenic spots, the eastern Han Dynasty flute pavilion, the Nanyang Qiufan, the Wuqiao Buyue, the Hulu Zuidao. It not only can connected with the Ke yan scenic spot, mountains and rivers are compatible, rocks and lakes are interlining, but also can be a single scene with beautiful scenery.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯 耿凱寧    | 責編:陶嫦君    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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