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Zhejiang Scenery: Fengming Mountain
Zhejiang Scenery: Fengming Mountain
發佈時間:2017-12-28 14:13:01    

Fengming Mountain in Shangyu, Shaoxing. It’s located in Shangyu City, 4 kilometers southeast of Fenghui Town, 17 km away from the urban area of Shangyu, is a national 2A level scenic spots. Fengming mountain belongs to four Ming Shan mountains, thriving is the Taoism culture since ancient times, is the Taoist "the ninth fairyland" the Eastern Han Dynasty, alchemy was taught master Wei Boyang alchemy ruins.


  景區方圓約5平方公里,以山陡谷深、急流疊瀑、蒼山翠綠、小橋流水的自然美而聞名,其中“懸石飛瀑”、“千年古藤”二景區點堪稱奇觀。 “懸石飛瀑”以“拔地萬重青嶂立,懸空千丈素流分”的壯觀場景,吸引歷朝文人墨客遊鳳鳴觀飛瀑,並作遊記或吟詩讚美。在觀賞懸石飛瀑的同時,你也一定會被纏繞在洞頂巨石與石側山崖上的巨大藤蔓所吸引,這也是鳳鳴景區的一寶——千年古藤。古藤名為“常青的油麻藤”,俗稱“過山龍”。這古藤漫崖匍匐,整藤有二、三百米長,覆蓋整個山頭,終年蒼翠欲滴,遊人無不稱奇。

The scenic area is about 5 square kilometers, which is famous for its natural beauty of mountains deep valleys, waterfalls rapids, forest mountain, rivers and bridges, including "hanging stone waterfall", "Millennium ancient vine" two scenic spots is a spectacle. "Hanging stone waterfall" to "high away from ground, and hang in the air for ten thousand high", in view of Fengming tour to attract men of literature and writing waterfalls, and blogs or praise poems. In the ornamental stone hanging waterfall at the same time, you will be huge boulders and winding vines in the top side of the cliff stone attracted, this is also a treasure of Fengming scenic thousand years old vines. The ancient vine called “evergreen Mucuna”, commonly known as "Siphon"". This old vine Manya creeping, whole vines are two or three hundred meters long, covering the whole mountain, with verdant, visitors are all amazing.



In the Fengming Mountain, dense forests and ancient wood heavy shade, Taoism numerous monuments, have cave clouds, pavilions, terraces and open halls during the shade. The negative oxygen ions in the air atmosphere very much, strange, become research on human science circles, breathing technique area and tracing ancestral place, but also people understand the ancient culture, enjoy the beauty of human fairy resort. Tourists from the foothills of north margin of the brook, can watch Plum blossom and bamboos , spruce pine, rocks, waterfalls and getting better; furuto temple, historical and cultural connotation and profound bright scenery together, always is richly endowed by nature resort.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯 張旭    | 責編:陶嫦君    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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