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Zhejiang Scenery: White Pagoda Pool
Zhejiang Scenery: White Pagoda Pool
發佈時間:2017-12-26 17:04:24    

White Pagoda Pool is located in  southeast of Taoyan Town,Shaoxing, belong to Jian Lake River system, and it’s connected to Dabaijia Lake and Yang Lake, the river is wide and has chilly water, which is one of the Shaoxing four major lakes, but also through Shangyu to Xiaoshan canal traffic hub.


White Pagoda Pool  have long stretches of hills in the east, and mountains have white tower (already dilapidated) before, the foothills has a temple, most of the villagers in the village live situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream, the lake like a narrow throat, so that white pagoda head, built a bridge across the lake shore porous, around the beautiful scenery, charming scenery.


  In the West of White Pagoda Village, has built "Kind General Temple", according to legend that in late of five generation Dynasty, In the white pagoda head area, and in case of repeated wars, and also had famine, The people are destitute. There was a strong, young giant, in the ocean repeatedly robbing the government grain ship in White pagoda Pool to help the hungry, who was later the officers shot in the lake among reeds. The villagers in order to remember his kindness, especially in the lake built temples, set up a shrine, called The Kind generals, temple incense and never stop continued. (the temple was dismantled in the period of the cultural revolution, and it has disappeared now.)

In the west of White pagoda pool, has built Puzhao temple, beside the pavilion, there is a temple on the eastern side glass pavilion, which is above the temple roof. Because of the vast White pagoda pool, it’s easy to get lost in night navigation , so the court in the night lit glass lamps, the lights shining like a beacon. The South Temple is Qingdang Harbor, whenever has strong wind, sand strong waves hit the side ground, whitecaps emptying, like a prairie flock rushing to spectacular when you watching the pool in the far place. In the beautiful scenery of the white ocean, there have been a heroic Anti Japanese story: Ming Jiajing thirty-three years, just as the North Tatar Altan invasion of Tongzhou and Miyun occasion, the Japanese took the opportunity to harass the southeast coastal areas, burning and looting, rampant, Taoyan area also ravaged, the leader of kuaiji county Wu chengqi, felt vary angry and design filled with righteous indignation. A day in the banquet ship, the Japanese leader induced with me, and after all the Japanese ancient history of human life completely drunken, Wu will suddenly take water bottom drove, the ship sank, Wu Dian history of chaos to swim out of danger, and all the chief bandit  watery grave.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:張旭    | 責編:陶嫦君    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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