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The application of Zhejiang robot is the first in China The labor productivity increased by 9% in
發佈時間:2017-12-23 17:11:29    

"Through the application of robots, the labor productivity of Zhejiang province has increased substantially from 2012 to 2016, with a growth rate of around 9% a year." Ling Yun, deputy director of the economic and information commission of Zhejiang province, pointed out at the 3rd international robot west lake BBS in China (Hangzhou) on 21th that Zhejiang province has released a new "robot +" action plan, aiming to build a leading demonstration base for robots in China and a demonstration zone for industrial innovation and development.


  浙江省經濟和資訊化委員會副主任淩雲在論壇上作報告。 梅芳燕 攝

The reporter learned from the meeting that China has been the world's largest consumer of industrial robots for three consecutive years, and Zhejiang's industrial robot consumption is the highest in the country.

Ling Yun said that in Zhejiang province, the robot industry started relatively early, with more than 150 enterprises, including robot ontology manufacturing, key parts manufacturing and system integration, such as Hangzhou Xinsong robot, Staubli, Jiaxing Everrobot, Hangzhou Kaierda robot, etc.

In the robot small town built by Hangzhou Xiaoshan economic and technological development zone, one of the leading areas of Zhejiang robotics industry, more than 30 robot production enterprises are gathered. It covers the manufacturing of core parts, systems and machines of the robot, forming the industrial chain of robot, and the industry scale has exceeded 3 billion yuan.

Take Zhejiang Everrobot for example, its six-axis general robot can provide the load range from 6 kg to 160 kg. Its welding robot, high-speed sorting robot and stacking robot have been applied to industrial production. As the leader of domestic robots, Xinsong robot has also been used in manufacturing industries such as auto parts, high-voltage electrical appliances and home building materials.

"The application of our robot is at the forefront of the country." Ling Yun pointed out that Zhejiang combines the local block economy with the implementation of four batches of 43 "machine replacement" industry pilot demonstration, including motorcycle distribution, electric, pump valve and wood industry. In 2016, there were 42,000 robots in service in Zhejiang province, accounting for 12% of the country, at the highest proportion, it occupies 15% of the country and ranks first in the country.

He introduced that through the use of robots, the labor productivity of Zhejiang province has been greatly improved from 2012 to 2016, with a growth rate of around 9% a year.

"Artificial intelligence has become the new engine of economic development," said Li Deyi, an academician at the Chinese academy of engineering and director of the China artificial intelligence society.

While Ling Yun also pointed out: "At present, our large number of application robots are mechanical devices, not intelligent devices. It doesn't have visual sensing and force sensing, so it's robotic."

In order to further prosperity of the robot industry, in August, Zhejiang province issued a notice on the "robot +" action plan for Zhejiang province. Zhejiang province aims to have 100,000 robot owners in the industry, with a robot density of more than 120 in Zhejiang province. The sales revenue of the robot industry has exceeded 150 billion yuan, which is a demonstration area for the construction of domestic first-class robot application demonstration bases and industrial innovation and development by 2020.

"In the future, we will move from mechanization to intellectualization. In the system, we should establish the robot innovation ability strong, the manufacture and the application of the leading enterprises.” Ling Yun said that Zhejiang will promote the further development of the industrial robot by advancing "robot +", "robot + logistics", "robot + health", "robot + service", "robot + agricultural” and other applications.


來源: 中新網    | 作者:    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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