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Zhejiang Scenery: Huzhou Zhongnan Baicao garden
發佈時間:2017-12-18 17:06:50    

Zhongnan Baicaoyuan covers an area of 5,600 mu. It has many products including forest, grassland, wetland, bamboo sea, wild animal and other ecological resources, as well as catering, conference, accommodation, entertainment, health and development. The combination of agriculture, forestry, ecology, sports, science and so on makes it become a comprehensive tourist attraction with three main themes: the world of plants, the world of animals and the world of sports. The number of visitors broke through the million in six consecutive years and it is one of the ten most popular tourist attractions in the Yangtze river delta region which has rapid development and innovation.


The plant world consists of eight scenic spots, such as the Green water and dawn, the Danfeng Liuxia, the Baicao Yingxue, and other eighteen gardens such as the white tea garden, the garden of Osmanthus flower, the garden of Zizhu, the picking orchard, and the bamboo forest. There are over 30 species of rare plants, and the vegetation coverage of the scenic spots is 95%, which is the natural green great oxygen bar. There are 150 kinds of animals in the animal world, and visitors can see the tigers, lions, elephants, giraffes and other 70 exotic animals. At the same time, the tourists can also enjoy the performance of lions and tigers and acrobatics. The sports world has more than 50 kinds of sports such as outdoor development, forest horseback riding, F1 car, real CS field, rock climbing, high-altitude skating, and wetland rafting. A total of 21 projects, including the grand playground, the Zhongnan happy world and the children's park, tourists can experience extreme joy and excitement here.


In addition to the amusement and ornamental projects, the scenic spot also has the Zhongnan tourism hotel, barbecue ground, which supplies the local dishes and venison in bamboo town. They are fresh and delicious. The resort hotel, located in the lakeside, is a kind of paradise, with beautiful trees and beautiful surroundings.

  (中國網綜合  翻譯耿凱寧)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網綜合    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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