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The World Internet Conference venue welcomed the first new youth entrepreneurship conference
發佈時間:2017-12-17 11:53:26    

CNCAO NEWS  On December 17, the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, has a lively event. It is named “the first new youth entrepreneurship conference”. The meeting attracted former foreign minister Li Zhaoxing, economist Ye Tan and famous entrepreneur Dong Mingzhu. What is the attraction of this conference?


The closing of the 19th CPC National Congress is an event that has landmark significance. General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "When young people rise up, the country will rise up. If young people are strong, the country will strong. The vast majority of young people should be firm in their ideals and beliefs, aim high and keep your feet on the ground. Brave to be the talent of times, fly the dream in the vivid practice of the realization of the Chinese dream and write the chapter of life in the unremitting struggle for the interests of the people.”  

In the new era, new youth is the main body and backbone of entrepreneurship and innovation. Through intelligent collision, project docking, resource integration and information sharing to train future enterprise stars. Setting up the benchmark of youth entrepreneurship, and building the general assembly into a youth entrepreneurial activity with national influence.


 Focus on the youth to create a better future  

The ceremony of the youth venture fund was held on the site. Xu Hongdao, member of the standing committee of the CPPCC national committee and vice chairman of the Chinese people's political consultative conference (CPPCC), delivered a speech for young entrepreneurs. He said that youth entrepreneurship is an activator of sustainable economic development and should be supported by the whole society. Chen Jing, chairman of the Xi Chun, one of the launching units of youth entrepreneurship fund, told reporters that the fund, which they initiated and participated in, raised 100 million yuan for the first time, mainly in the hope that the support for youth entrepreneurship would be implemented and hoped that young people like herself will be able to support and reassure themselves in the process of entrepreneurship. Besides being able to solve the "first bucket of gold" of the entrepreneurial team, the fund's support will continue to help the stable development of entrepreneurial enterprises and inject fresh energy into the new economy.


 前外交部部長 李肇星 

Later, the former foreign minister Li Zhaoxing, the chairman of Gree electric appliances co Dong Mingzhu, the famous financial commentator Ye Tan, gave a keynote speech about the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry, the current situation of the global economy and the development trend and the globalization of enterprises respectively. The three experts analyzed the current situation and future of youth entrepreneurship from the industry, economic situation and external environment, and provided direction guidance for entrepreneurs from a professional perspective. 

Thought collision   Wealth sharing 

Under the guidance of the dialogue host Ouyang Xiadan, Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree electric appliances co, economic commentator Ye Tan, Yang Yiqing, executive director of the Zhejiang institute of business studies, Zhang Xuguang, chairman of science and technology in Zhejiang province, Lin Dong, chairman of Greenfull group, Gao Hongbing, Ali group vice president, Ali academy president and Focus international chairman Pan Junxian discussed about Innovation, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit at the scene. Entrepreneurs and professionals from various industries and fields are gathered in the assembly to discuss and remark. The effect of the 1+1>2 was created by the thought shock, and the participants enjoyed great spiritual wealth.


The conference not only reached the launch of youth entrepreneurship fund, but also provided important guidance for young entrepreneurs in thinking and direction. With the concerted efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, the fertile soil of youth entrepreneurship will surely produce more creative projects under the new economic environment to benefit young entrepreneurs and accelerate economic transformation. 

The first new youth entrepreneurship conference hosted by the Zhejiang province economic and information commission, science and technology department of Zhejiang province, the communist youth league of China, Zhejiang provincial committee of the CPC, The people's government of Jiaxing was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province. To implement the the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress: Youth entrepreneurship and innovation in the tide of the new era, vigorously carry forward the spirit of "red boat", remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, to Inherit and carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit: new strength of Zhejiang merchants are the purposes of the conference. It is aimed at injecting new youth into the new era and lighting up the beacon for young people and to learn the power of innovation and entrepreneurship, to create a better future.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 耿凱寧譯    | 責編:邱玉潔    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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