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Zhejiang Scenery: China Fishing Village
發佈時間:2017-12-06 14:40:48    

  中國漁村是指“石浦”綜合性海洋文化休閒度假區。 “漁村”裏建有一幢幢漁家小樓,度假者們在樓中推窗見海,臥床聽濤,也可以隨船出海打魚,或觀看各種漁家的傳統民間文化活動。我國有2億漁民,千百年來已形成了自己獨特的生活習俗和民間文化。然而,迄今為止全國還沒有一個能體現漁區民俗風情的大型漁文化休閒度假區,石浦中國漁村填補了這一空白。

Chinese Fishing village refers to "Shipu" fishing village comprehensive marine culture leisure resort. "Fishing village" built small fishing buildings and holiday makers could see the sea in the floor of the window , and lying in the bed and listen waves, they can also ship to sea fishing, watch a variety of traditional folk cultural activities. The 200 million fishermen in our country have formed their own unique living customs and folk culture for thousands of years. However, so far the country has not a fishing area can reflect the folk customs of the large fishing culture leisure resort, China Shipu fishing village to fill this gap.



China Fishing village is located in Ningbo Xiangshan Shipu fishing village, Chinese first project called "Sunshine Coast scenic area", is the largest on the east coast of the China ecological waterfront leisure tourism resorts, is a" fishing folk culture tour "and" coastal ocean leisure "as the theme of large-scale coastal tourism leisure resort, is a new the sea and a set of tourism, leisure, vacation, living as one of the Songcheng group to create the" Mountain, Sea, City " tourism and leisure base of three. Since the opening has been awarded the "National AAAA level scenic area","Zhejiang Province the ten major summer resort "," Ningbo city ten charming scenic spot "," Zhejiang province fifty outstanding scenic spot "," Ningbo top ten integrity tourism scenic spot "," Yangtze River Delta the most popular tourist attractions", "the Yangtze River Delta automobile travel leisure tourism destination "and other honorary titles.



China fishing village as a comprehensive marine culture leisure resort, Chinese Fishing village has first-class facilities, a Mediterranean style villa, Caribbean style entertainment area, the sandy beach quality, authentic and delicious snacks, seafood fishing village of Green Island and forest resources, the resort has the most popular international beach leisure five elements of the ocean, beach, air, sunlight, green. At the same time, Chinese Fishing village closely around the rich marine resources and rich fishing culture connotation, it is a type of boat, fishing village theme villa, fishing gear, tent village, or hanging fishing boats, fishing and other headlight weathervane and display the full range of fishing, all living atmosphere. Chinese fishing village, with its rich fishing style and rich marine culture, has become a major brand in Xiangshan, Ningbo leisure.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 編輯邱玉潔    | 責編:邱玉潔    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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