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今年烏鎮網際網路大會 大佬們都會説些啥?
What do masters say about this year's Wuzhen Internet Conference?
發佈時間:2017-12-03 15:15:51    

   中國網浪潮資訊 第四屆世界網際網路大會即將開幕,網際網路大佬們又將雲集于烏鎮,把酒言歡,談笑風生。打開網際網路大會翻看會議日程,再結合2017年網際網路界的風起雲湧,總能看出來點端倪。在這裡做個不負責任的預測:今年網際網路大會,大佬們都會説些啥?

  The fourth World Internet Conference will be opened, the Internet masters will gather in Wuzhen, drinking, laughing. Open the Internet Conference to look at the conference schedule, and then combined with the rise of the Internet in 2017, we can always see the clue. Here's an irresponsible forecast: what will the masters say about this year's Internet Conference?


  Jack Ma: There's surprise out of the new retail.
  Looking at this year's conference daily schedule of Jack Ma, he did not participate in any salon dialogue, but give an 8 minute speech about challenge and responsibility on global network spread on the topic of "Internet communication and social responsibility -- a new era, new opportunities and new play" on December 4th; and he will give a separate 10 minute closing address on the last open topic: "the new economy in the Internet Age" on December 5th.
  The new economy in the Internet era can always smell out the taste of new retail in the Internet age. Since Jack Ma put forward new retail in 2016 Computing conference, in the field of competition, there is not only commercial competition, but also the scramble for "right to interpret" -- "new retail" has become a hot word to be scrambled for.
  在剛過不久的雙十一央視採訪中,馬雲牢牢的抓住了本來就屬於自己的“解讀權”,第二次對新零售的詳細闡述,稱 “未來60%-80%的零售將是新零售,電商也要改革,不改革也是沒有前途的。”
  In the recent eleven double CCTV interview, Jack Ma firmly grasped the "right of interpretation" which belonged to him. He elaborated on the new retail second times, saying that "The 60%-80% of retail in the future will be new retail and the e-commerce will be reformed, and there is no future for no reform."
  Wei Zhe, Jack Ma's old partner, the former Alibaba CEO, interpreted Ma Yun's words unruthlessly as "Jack Ma acknowledged the shortcomings of e-commerce, and e-commerce is not omnipotent.
  And will Jack Ma carve the key to "new retail" which may open the universal door further? Will there be an astonishing word at the end of the Internet Conference? We can boldly predict, in addition to the new retail, Jack Ma's speech may has surprise.


  李彥宏:All in人工智慧,開挂2018
  Robin Li: All in artificial intelligence, amazed everyone in 2018
  Robin Li took part in the issue of "artificial intelligence: making life better" without suspense. The person with him is Lei Jun who has just announced that he has been working together with Robin to create a good foundation friend.
  This year Robin Li has repeatedly refueling Baidu's artificial intelligence. A driverless car drove on the Fifth Ring Road, then took the ticket. Later, it was declared at Baidu World Conference: "the driverless ticket has arrived. Is mass production still far away?" It exploded the heavy news of mass production of unmanned vehicle in 2018.
  Baidu, which has stripped and displaced the takeaway, medical and game departments, seems to have turned into an "artificial intelligence" company. In the issue of "artificial intelligence: making life better", in addition to the technology that Baidu World Conference has shown, it is expected that what strategy will Robin Li put forward in a more macroscopic perspective


  Lei Jun: Feet on two boats--artificial intelligence and cross-border E-commerce
  After all, it's Lei Jun who will be saved by Robin Li, and it's not surprised that he took part in the issue of artificial intelligence. It is worth pondering that Lei Jun's life ideal is no longer "catching up with apple in three years" or "MUJI in science and technology", but surpassing the second largest retail supermarket Costco in the world. So the technology company in our impression, took part in the Cross-border E-commerce Forum.
  Just announcing as the world's largest IOT platform, Xiaomi seems to be the avatar of artificial intelligence + e-commerce. Whether it is artificial intelligence or cross-border e-commerce, it is an interesting thing to speculate on what forum the Lei Jun will be the first to talk about in the world.


  Ding Lei: the creator of a good life = new consumption
  Ding Lei's actions seem to be not a style with other Internet masters. Other people rob wind gap, he went to raise pigs, other people flow war, he went to raise pigs, other people competing exposure in conference, he ate after conference. At the result, he can cover half of the dinner of the Internet community in every year, which seems to attract more attention than what he said at the meeting.
  In the past, Ding Lei was a person who did not like to bring up the concept, but this year Ding Lei was greatly different. In November this year, he put forward "new consumption" on the cross-strait entrepreneurs summit. It talked about the change of retail as the origin of human beings. In the new consumption era, consumption changed from "You can buy" 1.0 to "buy well" 2.0. This is somewhat to Jack Ma's "new retail" tit for tat taste.
  After that, Ding Lei put forward the "Kola model" and "strict selection model". NetEase Cora as the representative of the NetEase e-commerce, has become the third pole of the path of e-commerce. The two businesses that pay attention to building a good life are very impressive this year. The NetEase Kola was founded in 2015 and only took less than 3 years to get the first cross - border industry and seventh of the comprehensive electric business. So, Ding Lei did not have any suspense to participate in the cross-border e-commerce forum. It can be predicted that the "new consumption" and "Kola mode" and "NetEase model" will be further interpreted.
  Think carefully, NetEase Kola proposed to do the online Costco, NetEase strict selection to catch up with the MUJI, When NetEase's Costco and MUJI meet Xiaomi, MUJI and Costco, is "new consumption" overwhelmed by "IOT" or "IOT" overwhelmed "new consumption"?
  不過這終將是一屆團結的大會,勝利的大會,友好的大會,繼往開來的大會。大佬們轟轟烈烈地來,靜悄悄地去,各帶走各自的風采。(作者 張淵 李斌)
  But it will be a rally of unity, a victory conference, a friendly conference, and a future conference. The masters come and go in a quiet way, each taking their own demeanor. (Reporters Zhang Yuan, Li Bin)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 李斌 翻譯 杜依依    | 責編:邱玉潔    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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