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Zhejiang's full preparation for 4th World Internet Conference
發佈時間:2017-12-02 18:06:09    

  在杭州點擊滑鼠,聯通的是全世界;在烏鎮評説網際網路,影響的是全球網路空間。第四屆世界網際網路大會即將在烏鎮舉行,今年全球嘉賓將圍繞“發展數字經濟 促進開放共用——攜手共建網路空間命運共同體”的主題展開深入探討。

Clicking on the mouse in Hangzhou is connected to the whole world. Comment on the Internet in Wuzhen influences the global network space. The fourth World Internet Conference is to be held in Wuzhen. This year, global guests will focus on the theme--"developing the digital economy to promote open sharing - work together to build a community of cyberspace destiny" to explore in depth.


  Wuzhen has become an important coordinate point for our province to achieve the network strong province. Jiangnan ancient town with water flowing beneath a little bridge and pink walls and black tiles, will usher in the global masters of the Internet. Wuzhen is ready, Tongxiang is ready, Jiaxing is ready, Zhejiang is ready!



Work together in an orderly manner


In Wuzhen, the joint office area of the fourth Internet Conference, and the departments at all levels participating in the preparatory work of Zhejiang are concentrating on the office work.


Lu Yuan, deputy director of the Work Committee of the Tongxiang World Internet Conference, said that all work is in place. The International Conference Center has been renovated and will meet the guests from the world in a more intelligent way.


At the end of October, nearly 700 elite forces deployed by the national network information office front group, contractor work leading group member unit and the Tongxiang authorities, township streets fully stationed in Wuzhen to launch a centralized office work. In accordance with the principle of "one project, one plan, one activity, one program", they have set up a series of special work plans, guarantee work plan and emergency work plan.


The person in charge of the relevant department of Zhejiang Province said that this conference will give full play to the three functional advantages of the forum and the leading Internet world's leading scientific and technological achievements. The 20 sub forums will be carefully set up, including digital economy, cutting-edge technology, Internet and society, cyberspace governance, communication and cooperation. The conference will release a number of the leading scientific and technological achievements in the global Internet field for the year. The person in charge of the Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Ministry of information of the province said that the "Light of Internet" Expo has brought together more than 400 world-renowned Internet companies and innovative enterprises, and will focus on the latest development trend and cutting-edge technologies of the world Internet.


  Since the hosting of the conference, the relevant departments in Jiaxing have made overall preparations for the conference according to the overall requirements of "one session is better than one session" and focused on the specific requirements of "upgrading the level and expanding the effect". The network information office of Jiaxing is also actively coordinating and promoting the organized work in an orderly manner.


At the beginning of this year, the municipal government of the Tongxiang municipal Party committee established a leading group of Tongxiang Municipal Administration with the secretary and mayor as two headmen. Set up "one office ten groups", and do a good job in the preparatory work of the general assembly. It is understood that according to the relevant requirements, Tongxiang city has formulated a special work plan and a detailed plan for the activities. Especially for the permanent stadium operation guarantee work conducted a thematic study, formulated the safeguard plan and the emergency plan, and set up 10 working teams, such as electric power support, water and gas protection, fire safety, lighting and sound, so as to ensure that the facilities and facilities of the permanent venues will run stably and safely.


Tongxiang has been promoted in many aspects, such as basic supporting, service and introduction. At present, Tongxiang has realized the full coverage of 4G network, and the main public places in the city are fully covered by WiFi. The total export bandwidth of Wuzhen's exports rose from 220 Gigabit to 334 Gigabit last year, and the important region realized Gigabit to the desktop. In addition, including Wuzhen, the ecological environment renovation of Tongxiang city has also been completed, greatly improving the beauty of the region. The promotion of service is more outstanding and fine, to ensure safe and smooth operation. This year, the conference also developed a smart APP specially, which not only enables guests to register, but also has some mysterious functions during the conference.


  Enterprises attend meetings more and more actively


On November 22nd, 8 well-known domestic enterprises like Alibaba, BMW, v-mobile cycling and so on signed on as partners of the conference. In recent years, enterprises have a high enthusiasm for participating in the world Internet Conference. In the interview, the reporter found that the enterprise participation was more active this year.


The practice of previous sessions has proved that enlarging the summit effect can help to strengthen the docking of high-end elements such as enterprises, projects and talents, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and speed up the development of Internet industry and information economy. The conference has also become a powerful push for building "cloud Zhejiang" "data strong province" and accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the whole province's economy.


The publication of the new results of the world Internet Conference every year is one of the most eye-catching links. This year, many enterprises are ready to release "BLACK TECH" products at the conference like Ali Tmall unmanned supermarket, achieving 90% unmanned vehicles, and whileplaying rehabilitation VR rehabilitation equipment......


  This year is the first time for Ali Tmall unmanned supermarket to enter the world Internet Conference. According to the relevant staff, for the first time in the shop, open the Taobao, after scanning code to start the shopping trip, before departure, you will pass a "settlement door" to complete deductions, and reminders aside will tell you, "Alipay total charge XX yuan". In this way, a "self-service settlement" shopping trip was over wth no shop assistants, purses and mobile phones in the whole course. Unmanned supermarket has not only brought cool shopping and payment experience for users, more profound value is that it can improve the efficiency.


Through face recognition can determine whether the owner of the driver himself driving, after confirmation can be automatically started. On the eve of the conference, the reporter saw such a magic new energy car in Tongxiang. According to the introduction, the "Hozon" new energy vehicle E-TAKE will appear for the first time during the conference. Design director Xu Lei said the car's design concept originated from bionics leopard, which currently has achieved 90% unmanned vehicles.


On the eve of the meeting, CETHIK Wuzhen BLACK TECH Museum opened its doors to guests. The b BLACK TECH exhibition has gathered high and new technology in the industry, involving many advanced technologies and products such as VR, AR, artificial intelligence, egg translation, robots and so on. Well-known domestic enterprises like Hikvision, NetEase, phoenix optics, Westone, CETC, virtual reality production center and so on have brought their own innovative products to show on the exhibition in succession.


The laser SLAM navigation technology used by Hikvision mobile robot is developed by Hikvision independently. It can get rid of the artificial nail, magnetic stripe laying mark and pre built map, can move from an unknown location in an unknown environment, obtain the laser radar sensing information on the environment at each location, and then build the map, then according to the laser data positioning on the map in the completed root. The robot can choose the driving route flexibly and avoid the obstacle. The robot is equipped with a mechanical arm, automatic gripping and handling material parts can be realized. The handling robot will reduce the labor cost and improve the automation level of the workshop.


The highly anticipated "light of the Internet" Expo opened on December 2nd. This year's Expo brings together more than 400 famous Internet companies and innovative enterprises around the world, bringing a scientific and technological feast. The reporter noticed that many Unicorn enterprises who participated in the "light of the Internet" Expo this year have been paid attention to. 51NB is one of the exhibitors. According to the person in charge of the company, they will share the “Discovery of Unicorn” at the launching ceremony of a business competition in the afternoon of December 5th.


"They" are the eternal scenic lines


In November 27th, there were 1240 volunteers in Wuzhen, who had a common name, "little parasol". During the Fourth World Internet Conference Wuzhen summit, these "little parasol" will be divided into 10 volunteer service groups and 12 posts. They are responsible for registering, receiving guests, VIP guests, one to one language services, venue etiquette, road guidance, news reports and so on. It is understood that the voluntary recruitment of Wuzhen summit started in early June of this year. A total of more than 7000 people signed up. After a series of selection, 1240 people from 15 universities in the province eventually became "little parasol ".


Every year’s World Internet Conference, there are always a number of ordinary people quietly dedication to ensure the success of the conference. Besides volunteers who held their posts in the cold wind, there were sanitation workers who could not see a scrap of paper in Wuzhen, food safety workers, etc.


As early as October, the food and beverage distribution center had begun to sort out the suppliers. In combination with the quality and daily performance of the supplier company, many excellent suppliers are selected as the food suppliers during the Internet Conference.


  Service personnel known as the "Wuzhen housekeeper", through the Internet tools upload all kinds of information, timely solutions to the problem. At the previous sessions, they played an important role. Wu Baolin, the 62-year-old "Wuzhen housekeeper," said: "What you feel bad, unbeautiful, and detrimental to Wuzhen is all ‘stubble’." As he said, he glanced around. “The manhole cover is broken, dead trees, garbage heaps, street lamp is broken, the wire rod is crooked...... Although these are small problems, it will also affect the overall image of Wuzhen. The position of our village in Hongqiao is near the west gate, and the world internet conference guests come and go to see from our village. We have to make a good example. "


The reporter learned that this year "Wuzhen housekeeper" is more intelligent, and the staff also recommended related WeChat to reporters. Wuzhen housekeeper linkage center responsible person said, the center in accordance with the "problem reporting -- center scheduling --department management -- feedback -- evaluation" business processes throughout the network, leaving traces of the operation, to ensure the timely and efficient work, traceability and evaluation.


Wuzhen's financial institutions have received several commendable letters during the last few world Internet meetings. This year they will also live a new service experience.


The Wuzhen branch of the Agricultural Bank of China, on the one hand, mainly pushes up the construction of intelligent network, so that customers can better experience the integration of Internet high-tech and traditional financial business. On the other hand, we should mainly push the construction of smart payment to facilitate the payment of "last mile". This year, we do not have bank cards in Wuzhen. We can also do this at any time and anywhere. To experience the "interconnection" of financial payment, the Bank of agriculture bank is currently installing more than 400 silver collecting machines in Wuzhen scenic spot, 38 buffet ticketing machines and 8 ATM machines. A total of 413 sets of silver collecting machines were installed in the town to achieve the basic coverage of the "Wuzhen family" and the Wuzhen business circle. Tongxiang rural commercial bank, optimize business processes, and provide multilingual services platform, to ensure that the Wuzhen summit guests at home and abroad can get accessibility services.


The silent dedication of "they" will become a beautiful scenery line in Wuzhen.


來源: 浙江線上    | 作者::袁華明 王杭徽 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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