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The fourth World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention end successfully
發佈時間:2017-12-01 16:08:06    

  Zhejiang merchants gathered like the wind and clouds. November 29th to 30, the fourth World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention held in Hangzhou, talk with each other on entrepreneurship and innovation.


  The World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention has been going on for 7 years since its first session. This is only a brief flash in the long history, but it has extraordinary significance for Zhejiang entrepreneurs and Zhejiang.
  We witness: Zhejiang entrepreneurs forge ahead, pursuit of excellence, founded in more than 1 million enterprises in Zhejiang, more than 3 hundred thousands enterprises outside the province. The number of  Zhejiang private enterprises in China Top 500 private enterprises has been the first in the country for 19 consecutive years.
  We praise: Zhejiang merchants is a great group, and the spirit of Zhejiang Merchants is a great force. Don't forget the heart, forge ahead, stand in the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship. This spirit is the soul of Zhejiang merchants, which never fade.
  We remember: Zhejiang enterprises is rich and modest, would like to back to society, with practical action to release the hearts of the country, set up a series of monuments of back to home and fulfilling social responsibility.
  New era
  Coexistence of opportunities and challenges
  "Today's time is the best business time!" Jack Ma, chairman of board of directors of Alibaba said in the world Forum on World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs forum, revealed the aspirations of entrepreneurs. As Jack Ma said, today's entrepreneurs are faced with numerous opportunities, in the world, "The Belt and Road" construction has brought great opportunities for entrepreneurs; in China, the supply side structural reform bring new opportunities to every market subject.
  Today's Zhejiang businessmen are entering a new era and facing new opportunities and challenges. Hundreds of years ago, Ningbo Gang, Longyou gang and Nanxun merchants came to the world with the unique entrepreneurial spirit and innovation ability of Zhejiang merchants. Now, on "The Belt and Road" construction journey, came the news of the sound: Jack Ma initiative eWTP landing overseas, Li Shufu’s car factory extended to Belarus, Jian Sheng group to create a complete industrial chain of socks industry in vietnam...... More and more Zhejiang merchants involved in the "Belt and Road" construction, making Zhejiang the many advantages of mature industries, capacity allocation in a wider scope, also opened a new space of Zhejiang enterprises transnational operation.
  The challenges faced can not be ignored. "No business is not hard." A member attend the convention from other Province told that the operation and management of enterprises could not take the old road of extensive development. In other words, the era of "barbaric growth" ended. In the new era, the fine management and craftsman spirit were emphasized.
  "Enterprises should understand policies rather than wait policies. Our company has learned the nineteen reports ten times from top to bottom, and the enterprise needs to develop, must seriously think about the transformation and upgrading." Lin Junbo, chairman of Zhejiang Xinhu Group said.
  Based on this, the provincial Party committee, provincial government in this session of the World Congress of Zhejiang issued a call: unswervingly do stronger refining industry, do not opportunistic, not flighty and impetuous, and strive to be a good leader of real economic development and transformation.
  New mission
  Shoulder the responsibility
  What investment opportunities, and what industries to develop, these answers can all find in the World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention.
  "I hope that Zhejiang businessmen in the world will start in the rejuvenation of the real economy. The real economy is the foundation and lifeline of Zhejiang Merchants' development and expansion. Che Jun, secretary of the Zhejiang provincial Party committee sent a call to the global Zhejiang merchants.
  120 Big Bay area projects, 100 Ningbo "The Belt and Road" construction of Comprehensive Experimental Zone projects, and scientifically create corridor project in the West of the city, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive experimental zone project are show on various thematic activities in Zhejiang entrepreneurs convention. "The density and concentration of the information are very high, you see I took a bag of material, ready to take back consult with team." Zhou Ming, chairman of Beijing Jin Tuo Capital Investment Co., Ltd., who first participated in the World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention, said.
  Big Bay area project by the high degree of concern. "The bay area is a good opportunity." Jack Ma said that the Alibaba would be fully involved. "The Gulf area that the world has done well is Tokyo Bay, New York Bay and California Bay. Zhejiang has its idea and same situation. The advantageous geographical location plus technology revolution will bring countless opportunities."
  There is one content of all the World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention, which is on the spot project signing. This year, 48 projects have been signed on the spot, with a total investment of 154 billion 800 million yuan, which refurbishing the record of the total investment in the contracted projects of the World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention. Industrial projects are the top priority, and the eight trillion trillion industry accounts for more than 70%. The person in charge of the provincial development and Reform Commission said: "the further implementation of Zhejiang businessmen's return is to drive civil, national and foreign capital to gather in Zhejiang and promote the economic transformation and upgrading."
  Our industry be handed down from age to age. Even if the new and old Zhejiang businessmen alternately, they can not forget the roots of industry. The morning of November 30th, "inheritance space", what the one of a series of activities of the World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention, Nan Junxia, the son of Nan Cunhui of CHINT group described the "industry outlook" from his father: in 33 years, a small appliances workshop from the corner of the Oujiang grew into the leader of industrial electronics and new energy enterprisesin the world, parents attention the main industry, adhere to the "burning his pot of water" concentration, leading to promote economic restructuring and upgrading the sense of responsibility and mission, has been infected and affected him.
  New journey
  Joint "the strongest brain"
  Different from the previous years, this World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention is not only a grand meeting of Zhejiang businessmen, but also a grand meeting of high-level talents. For the first time, the General Assembly introduced the "talent strong province" policy promotion meeting to send "heroic posts" to the global talent.
  Zhejiang businessmen need "the strongest brain" to help more than ever before. One of the participants gave a very intuitive example to reporters: 20 years ago, the competitors to Zhejiang merchants came from Zhejiang province or in the country but now from the whole world.
  For the first time, the conference invited a number of high-level talents at home and abroad. Entrepreneurs and scientists sat side by side and collided with a lot of sparks. Some in the field of basic reach the cooperation intention, some are left contact, more of a "business and study" enterprise team - Zhejiang University Alumni corporate headquarters economy park attend, a new entrepreneurial innovation heights, will attract enterprises and enterprises in Zhejiang University Alumni alumni link for the social enterprise investment settled, the establishment of global, national or regional headquarters.
  A number of blockbuster "talent recruitment platform" has come. On the same day, the three heavyweight talent platforms of the Zhijiang laboratory, West Lake University and the Alibaba Dharma hospital have released the policy of talent introduction. The provincial government will invest 5 billion yuan for the introduction of the talent team of the Zhijiang laboratory.
  Zhejiang province WRSA service agencies in the World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention got the award. The same day, North Zhejiang University Alumni Association, Tsinghua Alumni Association, the Zhejiang Silicon Valley innovation center of U.S.and other 14 workstations have also won the award. Zhejiang thirst for talents: in the next 5 years, we will gather 50 top scientists and technicians in the field of AI, 500 tech entrepreneurs, 1,000 high-end R & D talents and 10,000 engineering talents.
  One step ahead, a quick shot. The new era of Zhejiang merchants will back to the "two high-levels" construction.
  翻譯 宓文文

來源: 浙江線上    | 作者:陳文文 譯 宓文文    | 責編:邱玉潔    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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