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第四屆世界浙商大會開幕 簽約項目總投資額創歷史新高
The fourth World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention open, total investment in signing projects has set a new high
發佈時間:2017-11-30 13:39:19    

  中國網浪潮資訊   11月29日,以“聚力擁抱新時代,開放創新立潮頭”為主題的第四屆世界浙商大會,在杭州國際博覽中心開幕。大會把招商引資、招才引智作為重要內容,浙商大會大灣區建設暨“投資浙江 回歸牽引”重大項目簽約儀式按照“好中選優、大中選強”的要求,現場集中簽約重大項目48個,總投資1548億元,創下投資總額之最。

November 29th, "to embrace a new era of cohesion, open innovation forefront "as the theme of the Fourth World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention, opening in the International Expo center, Hangzhou. The general assembly to investment, talents recruiting as an important content, Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention assembly Bay area construction and "investment in Zhejiang, return to traction"signing ceremony for major projects in accordance with the" select the best in the best, select the strong in the strong"requirements, the scene signed 48 major projects with a total investment of 154 billion 800 million yuan, record the best of a total investment in the past.



On the opening ceremony, Wang Jianyi, president of the Zhejiang Provincial Federation, zongfuli, president of  Hongsheng Beverage Group Co. Ltd., Wang Junjin, chairman of Shanghai Junyao  (Group) Co., Ltd., and Lin Dong, chief engineer of LHD combined with kinetic energy ocean energy scale laboratory led the field of more than 40 new generation of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs scene chorus "the declaration of the Fourth World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention". The declaration for the classical Chinese version, content related to innovation and entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial spirit, honest and law-abiding, the pursuit of excellence and so on.



On the opening ceremony, for the first time the selection of "the four major provinces" leader list of Zhejiang Province announced -- Wanxiang Group Co. Ltd., Beida pharmaceutical Limited by Share Ltd and CHINT group Limited by Share Ltd and other 10 companies on the list. The world's 2017 Zhejiang gold medal list announced at the same time, Xizi United holding limited company chairman Wang Shuifu, Shanghai Junyao (Group) Co., Ltd. chairman Wang Junjin, joyson Group Chairman Wang Jianfeng and other 15 well-known Zhejiang won the title.



In addition to the wide invitation to the Zhejiang merchants in the world, many Zhejiang University Alumni participated in the Fourth World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention. At the opening ceremony, the economic garden of the Zhejiang University Alumni enterprise headquarters was formally established. At the same time, returned overseas people also have a new group of Zhejiang province WRSA service success award.



In addition, "The Belt and Road" Zhejiang entrepreneurs base ceremony has become a highlight of the opening ceremony. As a result, the first three major Zhejiang entrepreneurs base stations in Czech station, Singapore station and Poland station have formally entered the construction process.

  (作者:張淵 丁薩報道   翻譯:宓文文)

來源:     | 作者::張淵 丁薩報道 翻譯:宓文文    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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