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溫籍14歲中非混血兒入選國足集訓隊 夢想振興中國足球
A 14 years old Hybrid of China-Africa in Wen zhou was selected as a national foot training team, dream to promote Chinese football
發佈時間:2017-11-25 14:29:03    


n November 21st, Chinese Football Association announced the 2017 National Youth Football U14 the fourth national training list, 34 players will be selected for training and selection in a month, and in late December go to South America training and participate, and join the Bolivia International “Tavich”Cup invitational tournament in January next year, which Chinese-African mixed  Player Wang Mu among them.


Although still only youth soccer training selection, but when the national team appeared in the new face, always attract attention, However, the Chinese-African mixed status of Wang Mu is a hot topic, everyone is looking forward to the junior football players, according to the reporter, Wang Mu was born in 2003 in Tanzania, his mother is Tanzania people, and his father is the people of Wenzhou.



U14 Championship played well


Be selected to National team


On the day of release China soccer U14 selection training list, there are 5 Hengda foot school students, which was born in 2003, Wang Mu, is a midfielder, native of Wenzhou, Zhejiang .


In the U14 championship that just ended a week ago, Wang Mu, known as "Hengda tomorrow star", performed well and was watched by the Football Association Coach and entered the new U14 national team.


It is understood that Wang Mu is a midfielder in the playground, but he can also play as a defensive midfielder and playmaker. He shows excellent football talent from young time, and his ability to intercept, run, hold and position is more than his peers, and his physical fitness is also good.


Football player is also class leader


Last night, the reporter contacted Wang Mu in the Hengda foot school the teacher Dr. Xie. Dr. Xie said, Wang Mu usually  is sincere, as a vice squad leader will help the teacher to do management work, popularity is also very good. As Hengda foot school's elite team members, Wang Mu training task and go out to play more, so sometimes the homework will fall, but fortunately Wang Mu was studious, plus the teacher often "receive private attention", So his academic record is also OK.


It is understood that, as a member of the elite team in Hengda foot school, he is more likely to be a professional player in the future.


Since Wang Mu did not join the Chinese nationality before, he couldn't represent Guangzhou Hengda to participate in the domestic U series competitions. However, in 2016, Wang Mu has formally joined the Chinese nationality, and then on behalf of Guangzhou Hengda to participate in the domestic U series competition.


Dream to revitalize Chinese football


In fact, Wang Mu attracted the attention of domestic media as early as last year. In the last year CCTV broadcast feature film "Chinese sports re start", Wang Mu was appeared on camera to chat about his own football road.


In television, he introduced himself, said, father is Chinese, mother is from Tanzania, came to China when he was 2 years old , 8 years old  watching the Champions League final with his father, since then he liked football. In Hengda before, he attended a school in Hangzhou, and on behalf of the school to the campus Football Championship, and then he attended to Hengda foot school. From the ordinary team, to the 03 reserve team, and then to the 03 echelon, through efforts to get a place in the elite team.


Wang Mu said that his wish is to revitalize the country by playing games and accumulating experience. It is understood that, for Wang Mu kick the choice, the family is also very supportive, his father said, Wang Mu can serve the motherland, is also their dream. But at this stage, he still wants children to be able to concentrate on playing football, training basic skills.


[extended reading]


The first Chinese African mixed blood player in the history of China


Eddie Francis


Sino African mixed blood Wang Mu selected national foot to arouse the ball friend hot debate, there are fans said that Wang Mu is probably the first Chinese-African player in  country brand team. But the reporters learned that this was not the case. The first Chinese-African player in China football named Eddie Francis, who was born in Shanghai in 1990. His mother was Chinese and his father was from Tanzania. Addie has studied with famous player,Xu Genbao, from playing football, and is also at the age of 14 into the Chinese youth team, became the first half country brand team mixed blood players, he has played for the Shanghai East Asia (predecessor of Shanghai Shanggang), Dalian Albin predecessor, is currently playing for the Portuguese team Bo Avesta.


來源: 新藍網    | 作者:翻譯:張旭    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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