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全國首屆智慧體育大賽落戶杭州 浙江欲立足全球打造智慧體育新高地
The first national smart sports competition settled in Hangzhou
發佈時間:2017-11-26 19:37:45    

  中國網浪潮資訊   “練習划船的健身器材可以通過APP與雪梨的水上運動員進行線上互動;隱藏了黑科技的跳繩可以助你分析速度、時長以及卡路裏;穿著全球全封閉的無線充電的智慧鞋,可以智慧光效、計步,遊戲互動……”依託各類智慧可穿戴裝備産品應用、健康大數據搭建、VR技術等在體育領域的不斷探索與應用,體育科學化、智慧化成為強勁趨勢,智慧體育大産業鏈呼之欲出。

“Exercise equipment for rowing can be interactive with water athletes in Sydney via APP. Hiding the black tech jump rope can help you analyze speed, length and calories. The smart shoes, which are globally closed wireless charging, can be be intelligent lighting, meter step, game interaction and so on.” Relying on various kinds of intelligent wearable device products application, healthy big data set, VR technology and other constant explorations and applications in the field of sports, sports science and intelligence become a strong trend, and the big industrial chain of smart sports is coming out.


November 25, the launching ceremony of the first intelligent sports competition in China and the smart sports industry summit was held in Hangzhou. The theme of this conference is "smart sports". The first competition of the national smart sports competition will be launched nationwide in 2018. The finals will be settled permanently in Hangzhou and will create the first smart sports demonstration zone in Yuhang district.


At the meeting, cyclists simulate Gulangyu island cycling track

“體育+”“網際網路+”  浙江奪得先機
"Sports +" "Internet +" Zhejiang won the first place

Wang Weidong, director of the sports economics department of the general administration of sport of China, introduced that smart sports is a deep fusion of "sports +" and "Internet +”. It combines fitness, entertainment and socializing, is a new way to promote national fitness, can lead sports digitalization, and leverage the huge consumer market.


In the 2017 government work report, smart sports will face good development opportunities and environment after it lists artificial intelligence as a strategic emerging industry. At present, intelligent sports events are not officially opened in the world, relying on the advantages of big provinces, sports provinces and smart manufacturing provinces, Zhejiang has won the first place.


Li Hua, deputy director of Zhejiang sports bureau, said: "Zhejiang is leading the way in competitive sports and mass sports, while the use of Internet technology is also at the forefront. The concept of intelligent sports, which combines the Internet and intelligence, opens up a new space for Zhejiang sports and offers a new choice.”


As the first intelligent sports event in China and the world, the national sports competition is sponsored by the national sports association of China and the organizer is Zhejiang sports bureau. In the basic design of the event, the operating institutions will cooperate fully with sports departments, sports clubs, competition areas and manufacturers to organize the provincial and urban division and the east, northeast, north China, south China, northwest and select the best players to participate in the annual national finals. In the event project setting, will start from the equipment development, the high popularity of the project, gradually adjust and improve. The first event will select running machine, bicycle, glider, aircraft, tournament, simulation golf, jumping rope, darts and other competitions to compete or display. At the same time, it will also develop the information platform tools for the operation and data operation of the event, making the event itself more intelligent.


以余杭示範區為支點  培育智慧體育産業
The smart sports industry is cultivated in Yuhang demonstration area

At the meeting, it was established in Hangzhou Yuhang to build the first smart sports demonstration zone in China. The demonstration zone includes the research and development and operation headquarters of smart sports enterprises, incubators, production and manufacturing parks, and intelligent sports display and offline experience center, etc. And establish the South Korea, Israel, Europe, the United States and other international industrial park, attract domestic and foreign intelligent sports technology research and development, equipment manufacturing, event operation, content production, e-sports games and other related enterprises to build the most advanced r&d and manufacturing center of intelligent sports.


“Yuhang is the headquarters of the world Internet giant Alibaba, which has gathered a number of high-quality enterprises. At the same time, the new generation of information technology, such as artificial intelligence, is becoming more and more powerful. In July, the artificial intelligence town of Hangzhou was officially opened. It attracted 16 r&d platforms, such as Zhejiang university, Ali technology research center, and more than 120 innovative projects.” Hangzhou Yuhang district people's government district mayor Chen Rugen said that Yuhang has the technological resources and industrial agglomeration of the intelligent enterprise industry.


In the future, with Hangzhou as the center, will present an ecological smart sports industry blueprint with games, fund, double gen contest and incubator + park + cloud platform + + experience center+ alliance industry exhibition BBS + + industry research institute.

(作者張淵 丁薩報道 翻譯耿凱寧)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 丁薩    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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