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外媒稱35個中國城市富可敵國 杭州和這個歐洲國家相當
Foreign media said 35 Chinese cities are as rich as countries,Hangzhou and the European country are well-matched in strength
發佈時間:2017-11-25 17:19:02    


Recently, the Russian authoritative international media“Today’s Russia”published a article called "the 35 Chinese city are as rich as countries". It said that the economic growth like the jumping up of rockets during the decades has made some Chinese cities have their sizes as equivalent to the economies of many countries.



According to the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), digital media "vision of capitalism" has also produced a chart to compare the GDP of Chinese cities with some countries’. There are totally 35 Chinese cities are as rich as the countries. 3 cities such as Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou of Zhejiang are on the list, the GDP sizes of the 3 cities are respectively corresponding to Greece,Angola, Croatia three countries.





  前三季度 杭甬溫經濟增勢明顯

Last three quarters, the economic growth of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou is clear


Last three quarters of this year, the total amount of GDP of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou still lead the whole province and had eye-catching performance.


Hangzhou's GDP realized 901.8 billion yuan, increasing about 8.3%. At the same time of maintaining steady and rapid economic growth, the industrial structure has further optimized. The last three quarters, the added value of first, second and third industries of Hangzhou were respectively 21.4 billion yuan, 323.8 billion yuan and 556.6 billion yuan; the information economy is still strong and the added value of it reached 227.6 billion yuan; The service industry grew strongly and the contribution rate to economic growth was 73.1%; Hangzhou is known as the "fourth pole" of enterprises, setting 78.5 thousand new enterprises with a growth of 32.8%.



Ningbo's GDP realized 707.52 billion yuan, increasing about 8.3%. The reason why quality and efficiency of economic development improved steadily is that the growth of industrial production is good, the service industry maintains to growing rapidly, the import and export grew rapidly and other factors. During the last three quarters, the added value of industry grew 9.2%, among the industries whose total added value ranked the top ten, automobile manufacturing industry was up to 16.7%; the added value of service industry increased 9%, the whole city's retail sales of social consumer goods realized 285.4 billion with an increase of 10.4%.


Wenzhou's GDP realized 387.66 billion yuan with a growth of 8.4%. The service industry has become a new engine to promoting economic transformation and upgrading of Wenzhou. During the last three quarters, the added value of service industry in Wenzhou realized 226.91 billion yuan, accounting for 58.5% of GDP. Especially the for-profit services operating income realized 7.135 billion yuan with an increase of 57.4%, the growth rate was higher than the average level of the whole province who was 22.4%, ranking first in the province. This "Wenzhou service" makes people really looking forward to.


Zhejiang PK past these countries


GDP (Gross Domestic Product) refers to the market value of all final products and services produced by all resident units of production in a country or area in a certain period. Since the beginning of 1985, China established the GDP accounting system, GDP has gradually become the core indicators of national economic accounting, whch is also an important indicator of the overall economic situation of a country or region.


In 1985, the total amount of GDP in China was 901.6 billion yuan, which has not exceeded 1 trillion; In 2016, the total amount of GDP has reached 74412.7 billion yuan.


GDP accounting system has established for 32 years. In 2016, China's total amount of GDP equivalents to 3 Japan, 4 UK, 10 Mexico and 100 Kuwait.



Look at Zhejiang again, in 2016, Zhejiang realized regional GDP of 4648.5 billion yuan with an increase of 7.5% over the previous year, ranking fourth in the country for 20 consecutive years. The annual economic output is as same as Turkey who ranked the world's eighteenth.


The first half of this year, Zhejiang's GDP was 2338.3 billion yuan with an increase of 8%. The total economy of half the year was as same as the Swiss. The Swiss ranked first in the global innovation index and Zhejiang has been injected the innovative format and elements into the development of the city in recent years. At this point, Zhejiang and Switzerland can be mutual exchange in need.


【Zhejiang News +】


China's three largest urban agglomerations can PK with Italy, South Korea and Australia.


Now, China has three largest urban agglomerations.


Among them, the GDP value of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration is as high as 2.17 trillion US dollars and the total scale of economy is similar to that of Italy.


The GDP value of the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration is as high as $1.89 trillion and the total wealth is comparable to that of South Korea.


The total value of GDP in Beijing and Tianjin city circle is 1.14 trillion US dollars and the total scale of economy is equal to that of Australia.

  作者:劉健 翻譯:陳萍萍

來源: 浙江線上    | 作者:劉健 翻譯:陳萍萍    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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