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浙江有了首個海外文化傳播陣地 索非亞中國文化中心揭牌
Zhejiang has the first overseas cultural communication position The Sofia China cultural center opened
發佈時間:2017-11-25 17:34:57    


November 23, in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria which is thousands of miles away from China, the sky is clear and the weather is warm. The Chinese cultural center of Sofia, jointly established by the ministry of culture and the city of Ningbo, has been playing its part. Barnof, the Bulgaria's culture minister, Eva, the mayor of Sofia, Zhang Xu, the vice-minister of China's ministry of culture, Zhang Haizhou, Chinese ambassador to Bulgaria and Wan Yawei, the Ningbo municipal committee of standing committee, publicity department minister attended the opening ceremony.



It is understood that building the Chinese cultural center overseas is an important strategy for the country and has built more than 30 Chinese cultural centers around the world. In January 2014, President Xi Jinping and Bulgarian President Plevneliev witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two countries. In November 2015, during BBS, the cultural minister of central and eastern European countries, the two sides signed a mutual cultural center agreement between the two countries. In April 2017, the ningbo municipal government decided to build a China cultural center with the ministry of culture. After more than half a year's preparation, the center officially opened yesterday. It is reported that the Chinese cultural center of Sofia is affiliated to the ministry of culture, and the government of Ningbo city is responsible for daily operation. With a total area of nearly 4,000 square meters, the center will fully display the unique charm of China's excellent traditional culture and the vitality of contemporary culture. According to the principle of co-construction and sharing, our city also has the first overseas cultural communication position. While completing the cultural exchange task of the ministry of culture, it will fully display the image of the city, promote the culture of Ningbo and enhance the soft power of the city.


In the speech, Zhang Xu said that China and Bulgaria are both old and tested friends and new partners for the future. In recent years, China and Bulgaria have developed steadily on the basis of mutual respect and equality, political mutual trust and popular feelings continue to deepen, and cultural exchanges and cooperation have yielded remarkable results under the common interest and promotion of the governments of the two countries and the community. Both China and Bulgaria have splendid cultures and hard-working and intelligent people. The two countries have great potential for cultural exchanges and cooperation and broad prospects. The establishment of the Chinese cultural center in Sofia marked a new step in cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two countries and opened a new page for the development of cultural relations between China and Bulgaria. We will work actively with Bulgaria to build the Sofia Chinese cultural center become a cultural platform for the cooperation and sharing between China and Bulgaria. In order to build a traditional friendship and promote people-to-people exchanges, we will promote the new strength.


Barnof said that the friendship between China and Bulgaria has a long history. The two countries are miles apart, but they do not impede the exchanges and dialogue between the two governments and peoples. In particular, in recent years, the two countries have deepened and expanded cooperation in various fields. Bilateral trade has grown rapidly and personnel exchanges have become more frequent. He said, “The exchanges between countries are in the people's exchanges.” National culture needs constant communication to enrich the culture. The establishment of the Chinese cultural center in Sofia is adapted to the needs of the situation and will further promote and enhance the comprehensive and in-depth cooperation between the two countries. He is looking forward to the early establishment of the Chinese cultural center in Bulgaria.


Wan Yawei said that the establishment of the Sofia Chinese cultural center is an important achievement in people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and Bulgaria. It is also a bridge and link to deepen friendship between the two peoples. Ningbo and Bulgaria have deep friendship. Through the operation of the China cultural center of the China cultural center this national communication platform, Ningbo will further expand its cooperation with the cities of Bulgaria and central and eastern Europe in the areas of cultural exchange, cultural tourism, economic and trade investment and education medical treatment to make greater contribution to China's expansion of communication with Bulgaria and other central and eastern Europe countries.


At the opening ceremony, artists from Ningbo showed Chinese traditional culture, such as paper-cutting, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, cheongsam and Yue opera. Bulgarian artists offered a wonderful folk dance and a favorite song of the local public, "a Bulgarian rose" and so on.

  作者:崔小明、李潔瑩 翻譯:耿凱寧

來源: 寧波日報    | 作者: 崔小明、李潔瑩 翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:張雲松    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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