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中國“地溝油”航班首次跨洋成功 浙企産品已出口歐洲
China’s "gutter oil" flight first across ocean successful, Zhejiang enterprises products have been exported to Europe
發佈時間:2017-11-24 18:50:25    


Talking about "gutter oil", are you sick?. But now, butter oil canturn waste into wealth, has become a fuel for airplanes, cars and so on, environmental protection too.



Just yesterday, Chinese first bio fuel transoceanic flights successfully arrived at the destination. On 22th, at 2:11,Beijing time, Hainan Airlines flight HU497 from Beijing successfully landed Chicago O'Hare International Airport, the use of aircraft fuel includes biological air coal that refiningfrom the waste cooking oil (butter oil).


The fuel was produced by Zhenhai Refining and chemical company what is the subsidiary company of Sinopec. According to the introduction, the use of bio aviation coal and ordinary use of ordinary fuel flight has no difference, but also effectively reduce carbon emissions.


In addition, recently, two Sinopec gas stations in Shanghai have opened B5 biodiesel for the first time, while biodiesel feedstock is also known as butter oil.


Shanghai's bio diesel has long been imported from Zhejiang, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, there is a enterprise "Ningbo Jason" what product the biodiesel use butter oil as raw material, at the end of June this year, exports to Europe about 3,000 tons, this is the first time in our province exports to Europe biodieselby the butter oil into refinery.Wu Shiping,the general manager said, now have selling line, but butter oil raw material has become a problem.


Enterprises to “drink” 1 tons of butter oil


"Spit" out 0.9 tons of biodiesel


Wu Shiping, 50 years old this year, has been dealing with turn butter oil into wealth for nearly 12 years.


In August 2005, he established the Ningbo Jason Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., located in the professional use of waste oil as raw material to produce bio diesel new energy enterprises.


"Since professional, it cannot do without technology, these years my biggest feeling is, its right to adhere to in the way of technological reformation." Wu Shiping introduced, since the initial creation of the company attaches great importance to scientific research technology, through cooperation with Professor Ji Jianbing’s team of Zhejiang University of Technology, to achieve joint development of biodiesel processing technology.


So how is gutter oil transformed into biodiesel?


Professor Nie Yong, design technology of bio diesel industry person in charge of Zhejiang University of Technology introduced, from the chemical principle is simple, the main component of butter oil is fatty acid and triglyceride, adding methanol and the catalytic esterification, further distillation separation of biodiesel can be low in accordance with national BD100 standards(the content of sulfur is less than 10ppm).


Of course, a technology from the lab to the factory is not so simple, you need to solve a lot of Engineering problems. After years of cooperation, research and development, the current conversion rate can reach about 90%.


In Jason, soy sauce gutter oil through a less than 50 meters of production line can be gorgeous into a clear pale yellow biodiesel. "Our company's device" every drink "1 tons of butter oil", can spit out more than 0.9 tons of biodiesel, the remaining part is also treasure, can be used as plant asphalt, industrial glycerol, gypsum and other ancillary products." Wu Shiping said, relying on the strength of scientific research in Colleges and universities, their company's production technology is increasingly perfect.


"In technical, I still have the strength, Jason in the leading counterparts in the industry, products can export to Europe is a proof." Wu Shiping said, on the day before yesterday (November 20th), the company signed a list, next month bottom to 2000 tons of biodiesel exports to europe.


According to the introduction, Europe encourages the use of bio diesel, the sale of diesel fuel must be mixed 10% of biodiesel, so the demand is large.


Now the most worrying thing is that you can't get the gutter oil


Fortunately, the relevant measures have been introduced in the province


It is understood that Jason's current monthly production of 3500 tons, in addition to this year's export to Europe, the domestic market has two main directions, one is as fuel oil, mixed with petroleum diesel, another is the main sales channels, is used as environmentally friendly plasticizer raw materials.


"We don't need to worry about sales. The present situation can even be said to be in short supply, because our production is limited, and the limited reason is not that the production line is not enough, but that there is no raw material. Frankly, after all these years, my problem has always been: we can't get gutter oil. In fact, this problem is also plagued many industry enterprises, some enterprises are not easy life." Wu Shiping said that at present the main source of drainage oil their company is Shanghai, because Shanghai recovery of drainage oil processing unified process, according to the "measures" management of Shanghai City kitchen waste oil disposal, there are currently 18 companies, a total of 256 vehicles for the "drainage oil" collection work, each received waste grease will enter a regulatory system, these enterprises are willing to collect the gutter oil sold to Jason Inc that qualified companies.


About gutter oil, the most unacceptable to the public is the use of bad molecules back to the table, or used as feed oil, etc., because these will directly endanger people's health.


Now, in the new energy enterprises like Jason, you can turn waste into treasure, and gutter oil is produced every day, the source should not be a problem. Why can't we get it in Zhejiang?


Wu Shiping said frankly, "Our price may has no advantage, at present our province for gutter oil there is no uniform supervision, that must be who bid high to whom." He said that the price of gutter oil is fluctuating, once rose to 5,500 yuan a ton, the current price they receive from Shanghai is 3,600 yuan a ton, "our company also transport costs, so I hope to be able to collect locally.". I personally think, gutter oil has a certain particularity, it is best not to circulation as a commodity, as Shanghai's practice is worth learning."


To make Wu happy, in October this year, Zhejiang Province issued the opinions on further speeding up the "gutter oil" governance work, which proposed to encourage qualified enterprises in the region to participate in harmless disposal and resource utilization of waste oil. He said, "I hope to Zhejiang local cooking oil firstly ‘drink’, turn waste into wealth".


What's the feeling of the car by adding "gutter oil" ?


In October 30th this year, the biodiesel made by gutter oil was officially released to the public for the first time: two Sinopec gas stations in Shanghai open the supply of B5 biodiesel, then the price of 5.72 yuan per liter, cheaper than diesel 0.3 yuan. How about the market acceptance of biodiesel with waste oil? CCTV was interrupted.


It is understood that the first day of delivery, two gas stations in Shanghai sold out its 5 tons of B5 biodiesel. A driver who the second time to add  biodiesel what made by gutter oilsaid, "the biggest feature is the exhaust pipe exhaust fumes less, I’m satisfied."


So, is the car performance affected?


It is reported that since 2013, Shanghai has tried this B5 biodiesel on 104 buses. Data show that these vehicles after use B5 type Biodiesel Blended fuel made by "butter oil", the engine is operating normally; nitrogen oxide emissions with diesel equivalent; heavy metals and fine particulate matter emissions are significantly reduced, hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide and particulates have decreased by more than 10%. Means that the smaller impact on the atmosphere.

  翻譯 宓文文

來源: 新藍網    | 作者:翻譯 宓文文    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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