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Zhejiang Scenery: Xianshan Lake
發佈時間:2017-11-24 17:49:29    


Xianshan Lake scenic area is located in the Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Anhui Expressway in the west of Changxing County. Hangzhou Expressway, Xuancheng-Hangzhou railway are here assembled. Xianshan Lake scenic area 30 km away from the Anji County, 85 kilometers away from Hangzhou, 170 kilometers away from Shanghai, 200 kilometers away from Nanjing Province, south of the “Homeland of bamboo” Anji, west of Anhui Guangde County, north of Jiangsu and across the hills. It can be seen that the location is very advantageous, and the traffic condition is very convenient.



The main scenic spots by the Fairy mountainand Fairy lake two natural landscape. Fairy Mountains, Lord birthplace and filial piety of Ksitigarbha, has a unique and important position in the Buddhist community, folk “There has Fariy mountain first, and then has Jiuhua.”saying that Fairy mountain have a “junior Jiuhua Mountain” in the world. Fairy Lake, is the largest wetland in Northern Zhejiang.Here are crane egrets, a variety of rare birds, or the garden or the lake, standing in water, precious swan is also set home here; the water forest, is a rare spectacle, known as the “Oriental Amazon” on the world , the idyllic view make people forget world’s confused.



Fairy Mountain high 162 meters, mountain shape like the Mt Fuji in Japan, around within ten miles, the high mountains is not able to pitch provinces, the mountain is not wide but mountain green, full of aura, the story of the Mountain are ancient and mysterious. Especially on the early Tang Xinluo country palace coup, Xinluo's Prince in the home, become the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha story makes the mountains increase infinite charm, there is the history of the “first have junior Fairy mountain, and thenhas senior Jiuhua”, that is to say the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the king of Mount Jiuhua came out from the mountains the mountain is the birthplace of Ksitigarbha bodhisattva.


  仙湖位於仙山一側,水域面積約為10平方公里。湖中有一長堤貫穿東西,將整座湖分為南、北兩片,堤上柳枝婆娑,亞賽西湖蘇堤,碧水無染。清冽可人,水淺闊達,灘岸坦緩,仙湖下面有一條神秘的古河道和一個對應天象名稱“金星”的沉沒已久的古村落。由於仙山湖的自然環境非常的好,這裡不但水鳥雲巢,連非常珍稀的天鵝也在這裡安下了家,是極為難得見到的自然生態現象。 仙山湖風景區是進入浙西北生態長廊最便捷的通道。從這裡通向安吉的“中國大竹海”、“竹博園”、“藏龍百瀑”、“天荒坪水電站”、“中南百草園”,通向臨安的“太湖源“、“青山湖”、“浙西大峽谷”、“大明山”、“石長城”、“”天目山“……投進了黃山的懷抱。

The Lake located in theside of Mountain, water area of about 10 square kilometers. There is a causeway along the east-west, the whole lake is divided into North and south two, dike willowwhirling, West Lake Su causeway, clear water without stain. Cool pleasant, shallow water across, bank level, the village sank in a lake mysterious ancient river and a corresponding host name “Venus” has long been falling. The mountains lake natural environment is very good, here not only birds nest cloud is very rare, even the swan is here under the home, it is extremely rare to see the natural ecological phenomenon. Mountain lake scenic area is the ecological corridor in Northwest Zhejiang into the most convenient channel. From here to Anji’s “China big bamboo sea”,“bamboo museum”, “Hiding dragon waterfall”, “Tianhuangping hydropower station”, “South herbal Garden”, the way to Ling'an’s “Taihu source”, “Green Mountain Lake”, “Zhejiang Grand Canyon”, “Daming Mountain”, “stone Great Wall” and  “Tianmu mountain”...... Into the arms of Yellow Mountain.


來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:張旭    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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