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第四屆世界浙商大會11月29日開幕 活動和規模為歷屆之最
The 4th World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention will open in November 29th, is the largest in all previous
發佈時間:2017-11-23 14:39:07    

  中國網浪潮資訊   11月22日上午,作者從浙江省新聞辦召開的發佈會上獲悉,第四屆世界浙商大會將於11月29日至30日在杭州國際博覽中心召開。本次大會以“聚力擁抱新時代 開放創新立潮頭”為主題,設置29個活動,共有33000余名浙商出席,活動和規模為歷屆之最。

On the morning of November 22nd, the reporter was informed from the press conference held by Zhejiang provincial news office that The 4th World Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Convention will be held in Hangzhou International Expo Center from November 29th to 30th. The conference to "cohesion embrace a new era of open innovation forefront" as the theme, set 29 activities, a total of more than 33,000 Zhejiang entrepreneurs attended, and the scale is the most ever.



Xu Xu, Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Party committee of the Provincial Federation of industry and commerce, executive deputy director of the Organizing Committee and executive director of the office, introduced that the scale of the conference was the most in the past, and it was also the most open event of Zhejiang entrepreneurs activities. Guests from more than 60 countries and regions, 31 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions), a total of more than 2,800 guests attended the main activities of the conference, more than 33,000 Zhejiang entrepreneurs attend the conference activities. The general assembly for the first time invited overseas high-level talents, renowned Chinese and foreign representatives, major international organizations and "The Belt and Road"to participate in the national social organizations responsible person attended.


This conference is one of the most frequently arranged activities in the previous world Zhejiang entrepreneurs conference. The main activities include the opening ceremony and the world Zheshang forum. Among them, the world Zhejiang entrepreneurs forum, with globalization as its theme, invites world famous business people and Zhejiang businessmen to discuss how to participate in the global competition. 6 special events including the Zhejiang province construction major Bay area project promotion, Chinese (Zhejiang) free trade zone construction project will promote Hangzhou West Branch Corridor project will promote cross-border electricity supplier comprehensive experimental zone project will promote Ningbo, "The Belt and Road construction of Comprehensive Experimental Zone project will promote the province of talent policy seminar. Activities also include 4 personalized function space, 17 supporting activities, etc..


In addition, this session of the General Assembly on "innovation into the world, be united as one to build Zhejiang" the purpose of attracting a number of projects, the total investment of the project for the all previous of the world Zhejiang entrepreneurs convention is the largest. During the conference, will also take Zhejiang entrepreneurs as the main body to set up investment platform of "flexible system,large mass", awarding the establishment of Zhejiang University Alumni enterprise headquarters economy park in Zhejiang Province, WRSA, launched the "The Belt and Road" base station construction, and will be released the 2017 declaration of Zhejiang entrepreneurs, commend the 2017 global Zhejiang entrepreneurs gold award and winners of "four strong province"leading enterprise award.

  (作者張淵 丁薩報道  翻譯 宓文文)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 丁薩報道 翻譯 宓文文    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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