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2017 China International Investment Forum signed 14 key projects, with a total investment of 19 billion 900 million yuan
發佈時間:2017-11-22 14:00:29    

  中國網浪潮資訊 11月21日,國際投資界、企業界巨頭為杭州提升開放水準、推進未來産業發展和加快城市國際化進程出謀劃策。一場以“共用機遇,共建世界名城”為主題的2017中國全球投資峰會在杭州開幕。在全球投資峰會和第四屆世界浙商大會期間,共有14個重點項目簽署合作協議,涉及總投資199億元人民幣。

In November 21st, the international investment and business tycoons made suggestions for Hangzhou to enhance the level of opening up, promote the development of the future industry and speed up the process of urban internationalization. A 2017 China Global Investment Forum with the theme of "sharing opportunities and building a world famous city" opened in Hangzhou. During the Global Investment Forum and the fourth World Zhejiang Businessmen conference, a total of 14 key projects signed a cooperation agreement, involving a total investment of 19 billion 900 million yuan.



It is understood that the summit is sponsored by the Hangzhou people Government and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce, undertook by the Hangzhou Investment Promotion Bureau, the Zhejiang International Investment Promotion Center and the European Monetary group, for a period of 3 days. A total of opening ceremony, major project signing, special interview, discussion speech, one to one project docking negotiations, field visits and so on.


As one of the world's largest economic city investment industry conference, "Chinese Global Investment Forum" have been held in Hangzhou for three years, a total of more than 1900  international political and business representatives were invited to attended the meeting, the formation of a certain brand influence and appeal, become an important platform for Hangzhou City Investment Promotion and project docking, investment cooperation.



The biggest feature of the Forum is the activities of the international nature of the activities and the richness of the content, give full play to Hangzhou’s effect that “after the Summit and before the Asian Games ", further enhance the level of opening up in Hangzhou City, to promote the process of internationalization of the industry to upgrade and explore the city, leading the future Industrial Development in Hangzhou, with a confident attitude to the world issued invitations to attract global investors to the development of Hangzhou.



The conference held that the future industry is an important strategic direction to promote the development of innovative economy and to seek new competitive advantages. It is an important measure to optimize and perfect the industrial system, and to promote the quality and efficiency of economy. In recent years, with the continuous optimization of industrial structure and the continuous improvement of innovation capability, Hangzhou has formed a good situation with the service industry as the leading factor, the information economy as the guide, and the high-end manufacturing industry as the support. Hangzhou's future industrial development in many fields with the global synchronization, in basic research, technology research and development, manufacturing, promotion and other aspects have a good foundation.


But still should be aware that the current constraints of resources and environment is more intensive, labor and land costs continue to rise, and the project of regional industry increasingly fierce competition, the industrial development of Hangzhou is facing "high return" "low-end shunt "two-way extrusion, high-end industry, intelligent and green, highlight the requirements of the service, continue to maintain the pressure rise of information economy first mover advantage and leading the development of. To speed up the development of the future industry, the next step, Hangzhou should actively cultivate new economic growth point, to break through the constraints of resources and environmental factors, accelerate the formation of modern industrial system, achieve innovation, transformation and development, and promote the quality and efficiency of the industry to provide strong support.


During the Global Investment Forum and the fourth world Zhejiang Businessmen conference, a total of 14 key projects signed a cooperation agreement, involving a total investment of 19 billion 900 million yuan. The 14 investment projects signed are all large projects with a total investment of more than one hundred million yuan, with an average investment of 1 billion 421 million yuan per project. Signing of the project involves the software information, high-end equipment manufacturing, biological medicine, tourism and other fields, of which 9 funded projects, a total investment of 13 billion 100 million yuan, the investors are from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Shandong, Hubei and other provinces and municipalities directly under the central government; And 5 foreign investment projects, a total investment of $1 billion 24 million investment for the United States, Singapore and HongKong enterprises .

  當日,浙江省副省長梁黎明、杭州市市長徐立毅等省市領導,及歐洲貨幣機構投資者集團全球管理委員會成員及董事總經理歐節瀚 (John Orchard)、國際金融公司 (IFC) 金融技術、電子支付與新金融業務全球總監兼首席投資官 Andi Dervishi出席峰會並致辭。

On the same day, vice governor of Zhejiang province Liang Liming, Hangzhou mayor Xu Liyi and other leaders, and European Monetary institutional investors group member of the global management committee and the managing director of the European Festival John Orchard, Han International Financial Company (IFC) financial technology, electronic payment and the financial business global director and chief investment officer Andi Dervishi attended the summit and speech.

  作者張淵 張雲松 報道 翻譯:張旭

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 張雲松 譯/張旭    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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