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Zhejiang scenery: underground river
發佈時間:2017-11-21 20:42:05    

  六洞山風景區係浙江省首批省級風景名勝區,現在已被評為國家AAAA級旅遊景點。位於蘭溪市東郊8公里,是浙江省中西部旅遊線上的一顆明珠。景區總面積8.5平方公里。因史載有白雲、紫霞、涌雪、無底、漏斗洞而得名,以山美、水秀、洞奇、寺幽為特色。 被譽為“海內一絕”的地下長河遊覽全程2500米,面積25000多平方米,分涌雪洞、時間隧道、玉露洞三段,是溶洞發育不同時期的典型,各具形態,各有特色。

Liu Dong Shan Scenic Area is the first provincial-level scenic spotsof Zhejiang Province , has been named the national AAAA class tourist attractions. Located in the 8 kilometers far from eastern suburbs of Lanxi, is a pearl on the tourism line in the Midwest of Zhejiang province. The total area of the scenic area is 8.5 square kilometers. Named for white clouds, purple light, snow, no bottom and the funnel hole in its history, make characters ofpicturesque scenery, peculiar caves and quiet temples. Known as "superb scenery in China"there are 2,500 meters to visit the whole underground river with an area of more than 25,000 square meters, is divided into three sections of Yong Xue cave, the time tunnel andYu Lu cave, these arethe typical that karst cave development in different periods, have different forms and views.


  涌雪洞中一條長逾千米的地下暗河貫穿始終,源頭至今尚未探明,洞內氣溫常年保持18度,冬暖夏涼,舟行其中,宛若置身仙境。玉露洞天高大空曠,廳內精美的石鐘乳、石筍、石幔琳瑯滿目,美不勝收。“時間隧道”中景石奇幻、近在咫尺,具有很高的觀賞和科研價值。 六洞山風景名勝區古跡頗多,幽靜雅致的綺霞園為一代名媛、愛國將領張學良夫人趙四小姐的祖居地。

In the Yong Xue cave, there is a more than one kilometer long underground river, the source has not yet been proven, the temperature kept at 18 degrees, warm in winter and cool in summer, boat inside is as in a wonderland. Yu Lu cave is tall and open, has beautiful stalactites, stalagmites, stone curtains, a superb collection of beautiful things inside. In the "time tunnel", the stones and scenery is fantasy and close, it has high ornamental and scientific research value. Liu Dong Shan scenic area has many historical sites, Yi Xia Palace, the quiet and elegant place is the home of miss Zhao Si's, a lady who married with Zhang Xueliang, the patriotic general.



Qi Zhen Temple, the ancient temple of millennium had treasure "Tripitaka" more than 6,000 volumes,is the translations that Tang Monk fetchedfrom"West", are valuable materials for studying ancient Chinese culture. The legendary emperor temple tole story of the emperor nephew and uncle cannibalism in Ming Dynasty, led the Zhu Yun, emperor Hui leave and become a monk, finally buried in this place.



The underground river has been exploited of 1,043 meters, divided Yong Xue cave, the time tunnel, which runs the jade dew cave three, 800 meters can take a range rover, land up to 2,500 meters, browsing area of 20,000 square meters. There is a pool of water at the entrance of the cave, and enters the second layer -- time tunnel. This journey can be seen stone flower everywhere in the Pleistocene in the fourth century warm period of growth by water vapor in the wall of the forms of coral, staghorn and needle. Through the time tunnel, twists and disoriented, follow the finger what is "Ariadne’s thread" intermittent forward, be suddenly enlightenedcame to the Yu Lu cave. Dong Yuan village at the foot of the mountain, bred Zhao Si's, a lady who married with Zhang Xueliang, the patriotic general.  Zhao Si’s another name is Yi Xia,Therefore,the ancestral home in the villagecalled "Yi Xia Palace". Going out the Yu Lu cave, walk about thousands of meters to the other end, you can reach a newly developed scenic spots -- Zixiacave. Zixia cave commonly known as Zaocave, also known as Zhongcavem and Yu Ya cave. Along the hillside path up hundreds of meters, then arrived at the Qi Zhen temple, surround by he number of peaks withfull verdant scenery, there are Tian Chi spring in front of the temple, Long Xue spring behind the temple andSmall klippe on side of the temple.

  翻譯 宓文文

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯:宓文文    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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