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義新歐中歐班列三週年 264趟“鋼鐵駝隊”跑出了什麼
It is the third anniversary of the Yi Wu- Xin Jiang- Europe China- Europe train What has been brought by the 264"iron and steel camel team"
發佈時間:2017-11-20 15:09:55    


It is the third anniversary of the China-Europe train of the world supermarket and Europe's largest commodity hub, Madrid. The only China-Europe train run by a private enterprise has grown to the most efficient and most efficient train line in the central Europe, with over 1,000 days of running. It is popular with countries and people along the belt and road, and it is a vehicle for promoting the political, economic and cultural exchanges between countries along the belt and road.



The "iron and steel camel team" brought China-Europe win- win trade


On October 12, the TX5 auto parts of Geely London electric car company arrived in Yiwu on the first time by the X8053 China-Europe train. Jin Guojun, director of Geely Yiwu's new energy vehicle program, said that imported components traditionally have been shipped by sea or by air, Through the Yi Wu- Xin Jiang- Europe China- Europe train, the freight rate is less than a quarter of the air freight, and the transportation time is 60% more than that of the sea freight, which has a clear comparative advantage in the case of race to the second.


The Yi Wu- Xin Jiang- Europe China- Europe train has been leapfrogging since its launch on November 18, 2014. As of October 31, 2017, it has been running 264 times and 21,536 tests. It has opened 9 lines and established 5 logistics distribution points, 8 overseas warehouses and 34 countries.


"China- Europe train, from the eastern Chinese city of Yiwu, through seven thousand five hundred miles to London. This is an example of how The Belt And Road offers opportunities."--The comments from the British prime minister's special envoy on The Belt And Road's peak BBS were enough to illustrate the importance of countries along the route.


With the opening of the Yiwu meat port, the opening of the international mail bureau, the reform of trade facilitation, and vigorously cultivating the import market and cross-border e-commerce, the Yi Wu- Xin Jiang- Europe China- Europe train has realized the normal operation of 2 trips and 1 return trip every week. The return train is loaded with goods from Spain, France, Germany, Britain and other countries, including industrial equipment and parts, red wine, olive oil and maternal and baby products.


"Europe is more focused on the big Chinese market on the other side of the train." According to Jin Gengzhong, deputy director of the port authority of the port authority of Yiwu city, a steady stream of products from Europe arrived in Yiwu through the Yi Wu- Xin Jiang- Europe China- Europe train and then through the channel advantage of Yiwu radiation to the whole country, Europe also benefited.


Government led and marketization brought efficiency


On September 30, the Yi Wu- Xin Jiang- Europe China- Europe train operation platform introduced the strategic investors of China Huarong asset management co., LTD., Yuantong express co., LTD. It is favored by various kinds of capital, because its government dominates and marketization operation, brought the efficiency, brought the benefit.


By adhering to the marketization operation, it has maintained zero empty boxes through the extension of service chains, such as trade agents, overseas warehouses and settlement services. Countries along the belt and road have become more connected and recognized, and the freight rates have fallen sharply and the transport time has been shortened. Through the measure and calculate by the operator Tian Meng company, in the case of Yiwu to Madrid, the operation time has been reduced to 16 days from 21 days after the opening of the operation, and the freight rate has decreased by about 50%.


Zhejiang is a big province of overseas Chinese, and most of the overseas Zhejiang businessmen are involved in the economic fields such as production and trade. According to Xu Songhua, president of the China council for the promotion of peace and unification in Spain, the Yi Wu- Xin Jiang- Europe China- Europe train connect Yiwu, China's largest commodity market, and Madrid, Europe's largest small commodities hub. Overseas Zhejiang businessmen are very happy to import European products into China through the train.


Yiwu is not only the "world supermarket", but also the only pilot city for comprehensive reform of international trade. In the past six years, Yiwu innovated and accumulated a large number of experience in international trade reform that can be replicated and promoted, and the reform dividends in trade facilitation, financial support and port construction continue to be released. At present, the train is gathering in eight provinces, including Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangdong, Anhui and Jiangsu. The goods are mainly from the small commodities, adding electronic accessories, designer clothing, high-end fabrics, hardware, bags and other products with high value. The total value of the train was also rising, from less than $3 million to about $5 million.


The train ambassador brought the "Belt And Road" cultural exchange


As a window of opening to the outside world, over 100 countries and regions in Yiwu have more than 13,000 overseas merchants. There are 500,000 overseas merchants to purchase every year, and more than 200,000 small and medium-sized enterprises in China go from here to the world. Now Yiwu, through the radiation-driven effect of the China- Europe train, is gradually implementing the "policy communication, road links, unimpeded trade, currency circulation and public relations" with countries along the belt and road.


The President of the Yiwu Spanish exchange foundation, Mao Wenjin, said that all countries along the route benefited from the train. Spain will also incorporate the cooperation of Yiwu and China- Europe train in the future development planning, leading to intensive visits and close exchanges between regions.


"Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises have been sceptical of the China- Europe train and the Belt And Road initiatives, but now actively contact them." Lin Huihuan, chairman of Cosco, said the company needs to actively promote the group's products at the early stage of the train, and now customers are expected to queue two weeks in advance.


After opening its first overseas market in Warsaw, Poland, China's small commodity city will set up overseas markets in cities such as Madrid, Spain and Duisburg, Germany.


The district of nations, which is planned around Yiwu international trade city, centers on the culture of all nations and through China-African think tank BBS, China - west Africa and north Africa development vision dialogue, China - central Asia cooperation BBS and other activities to promote the exchange and integration of different cultures in Yiwu. Yiwu also has the "sister city" of 24 cities in 18 countries and regions, including Barcelona, Spain, and Basheng, Malaysia.


來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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