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Zhejiang Scenery: Jiulong Lake Scenic Area
發佈時間:2017-11-20 14:34:32    

  九龍湖風景區位於浙江省寧波市鎮海城區西北河頭鄉境內,距鎮海城關和寧波市中心各約20公里。 九龍湖風景區總面積36平方公里,鎮海九龍湖風景區是寧波市十佳新景之一。旅遊區為中丘地貌,三面環山,群山環抱的九龍湖、鳳凰湖、月亮湖和天鵝湖四大湖泊,水域面積達2平方公里, 整個旅遊區自然生態環境優越、歷史人文積澱深厚。 九龍湖係人工湖泊,原稱十字路水庫,始建於1977年,湖方圓20華里,水容逾2000萬立方米。

Jiulong Lake Scenic Area is located in the Hetou Town which is the northwest of Haicheng District of Zhejiang Ningbo. It is about 20 kilometers far away from the town gate of Haicheng and Ningbo city . The total area of Jiulong Lake Scenic Area is 36 square kilometers and Zhenhai Jiulong Lake Scenic Area is one of the Ten New Views in Ningbo city. The tourist area is middle mound landform and three sides of it are ringed by mountains. The water area of four great lakes including Jiulong Lake, Phoenix Lake, Moon Lake and Swan Lake which are surrounded by mountains is about 2 square kilometers. The natural ecological environment of the whole tourist area is wonderful and the historical and cultural accumulation are profound. The Jiulong Lake is an artificial lake, formerly known as Cross-road Reservoir, was founded in 1977. The area of lake is within a radius of 20 Li and there is more than 20 million cubic meters of water.


  湖周黛峰如眉,翠嶺逶迤;湖中碧波如鏡,嵐影倒懸。波光藍天一色,綠樹修竹相映,景色極為旖旎。 湖北側,九龍山偉岸挺拔,九個山頭和九條山脊並列一起,猶如九條臥龍伏地,綿亙數裏,九龍山和九龍湖之名,皆藉此而來。時人有“九龍盤青山,松竹映碧波”的詩句,描述九龍山和九龍湖的景致。湖東北,是大蓬山,亦名達蓬山,海拔315米,山勢崢嶸,崖岩危突,登頂可眺望東海。

Daifeng around the lake is like an eyebrow and the green mountains are ceaseless; The ripple of lake is like a mirror and the green shadow is hanging upside and down. The colour of waves is the same as the sky. The green trees and bamboos are as a whole and the scenery is beautiful. The Jiulong Mountain on the north side of the lake is great tall and straight. Nine hills and nine ridge tie together which is like nine dragons lying on the earth and lasts for miles. The Jiulong Mountain and Jiulong Lake are all come from it. People often use of the poem like  "Nine Dragons surround the green mountains and the pines and bamboos reflect the green waves to describe the scenery of Jiulong Mountain and Jiulong Lake. The northeast of lake is Dapeng Mountain also called Dapeng Shan. The altitute of it is 315 meters above sea level, the mountains are lofty and the cliff is sudden dangerous.You can overlook the East China Sea when you get to the top.



The Cross-road Reservoir built in 1979 is also called Jiulong Lake. It is a reservoir in Zhejiang Ningbo. The reservoir is located in Jiulong Lake Town of Zhenhai District. It is on the south side of Dapeng Shan and it is in the basin of Yao River , the water area is 3 square kilometers. It is founded in 1977, including four reservoirs like Jiulong Lake Reservoir, Xiao Dong Ao Reservoir, Langjia Ping Reservoir and Sansheng Dian Reservoir. And it is now the drinking water sources of Zhenhai District and Chinese national 4A level scenic spot.


來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:翻譯:陳萍萍    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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