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The first meeting of the secretariat of the United Nations world conference on geographical information was convened in Deqing
發佈時間:2017-11-19 10:44:27    


  On the morning of November 16, the first meeting of the secretariat of the United Nations world conference on geographical information (hereinafter referred to as the conference) was convened in Deqing county. This marks a preliminary outcome of the construction of the conference, and is also a key point to launch the next work of the conference. Li Pengde, the deputy director of the national geographic information bureau, the deputy director of the steering committee of the conference, and Sheng Leshan, the director of the provincial surveying and mapping and geographical information bureau, attended the meeting. The party secretary of Deqing county committee Xiang Lemin made a speech at the conference. The relevant personnel of the national geographic information bureau, the provincial surveying and mapping and geographical information bureau, the cooperation unit of the conference, the county leader and the leadership of the high-tech zone Chen Jian, Shen Zhiwei and Cao Genrong attended the conference.



  At the conference, Li Pengde briefed the preparatory work organization and personnel composition of the conference. The conference considered the division of Labour in the preparatory work for the conference and the video propaganda film, which will be broadcast on BBS, the United Nations' fifth global geographic information management executive, will be held in Mexico, was reviewed. It also reviewed the conference mark and the relevant opinions of the first phase of Deqing ground information port project (United Nations world geographic information conference experience services project) and the preparatory work were heard.


  Li Pengde stressed that we should work together to create a new vision and create a new platform under the guidance of the nineteen spirit, make good use of the conference and truly "take the conference as the media" to promote the world influence of China, Zhejiang and Deqing. He noted that the conference had entered a crucial stage in itsearly preparations and all parties should seize the important time points, actively coordinate and cooperate with each other, and do the preparatory work fully and carefully. It is important to seize the opportunity of the conference to build a demonstration area of intelligent social innovation in Deqing. Let Deqing become an international platform for the communication, observation and cooperation of the geographic information industry of all countries in the world. We should further develop the medium and long-term development plan, further strengthen the benchmark and enhance the connotation to make Deqing become a smart society supported by the world's most advanced time and space information.



  In Xiang Lemin’s speech, he represented the county committee and the county government and welcomed the leaders and guests who came to attend the meeting. He said, the United Nations and the state council can authorize the conference in Deqing, not only reflected the fully trust of Deqing, but also reflected the full affirmation of the development achievements of Deqing county in recent years. At present Deqing county is in accordance with the superior instruction request, ruthlessly grasp the key, overall consideration in order to promote the construction of venues, environmental improvement, publicity and promotion, etc. The next step will be guided by the spirit of the conference to further clarify the direction of work to complete the detailed preparations and services of the conference, to ensure the smooth convening of the conference.


來源: 浙江線上    | 作者:楊曉燕 姚海翔 編輯:徐坊 翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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