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馬雲李連杰吳京助陣 功守道賽事揭幕展現太極競技魅力
Jack Ma, Li Lianjie and Wu Jing cheered for the opening of the Gong Shou Dao It shows the charm of Tai chi
發佈時間:2017-11-17 16:53:41    

       中國網浪潮資訊 11月15日,基於太極推出的創新運動項目——功守道,首場賽事在北京開幕,賽事全程由優酷直播,賽事實況將在央視體育頻道播出。

CNCAO NEWS  November 15, the first competition opened in Beijing, based on the innovative sports project of tai chi. The event will be broadcast live on Youku and will be broadcast live on CCTV sports channel.



Jack Ma, Li Lianjie, Wu Jing, Wen Zhang and Wu Tinggui, the executive vice President of the international wushu federation, Wu Bin, Toni Jia, Liu Chengyu, the vice chairmen of the Chinese wushu association and other people came to the scene to cheer for the players. Li Xiangning, the daughter of legendary Kung fu star Bruce lee, sent a VCR to celebrate the opening of the Gong Shou Dao event, paying tribute to those who have contributed to the beauty of Chinese martial arts, culture and belief.


Gong Shou Dao, which is based on tai chi, carries the vision and mission of spreading Chinese tai chi culture around the world. “Tai chi is a philosophical idea that combines Yin and Yang, the way of attack and keep is used by me in the business operation, I believe that it is helpful for everyone's career and life.” Jack Ma, founder of Gong Shou Dao, said that tai chi's win-win thought represents the future and hopes that the future will be able to enter the Olympic Games.


At the scene of the competition, the gorgeous lighting effect, the dynamic background music, 360-degree screen, let the high of 1.5 meters, the diameter of 3 meters of the ring looks very cool and there is a fusion of tradition and modernity everywhere. In the opening game, the 10 players in the team played 5 formal matches, and every three rounds will be a winner.


In the ring, the athlete in black and white competition, the first hand salute, then in the walking hand technology to attack and defend. In the melee confrontation, it embodies the adhesion characteristic of tai chi, with the techniques of picking, cutting, elbows and relying on it, bringing the opponent down to the ground or playing the ring.


Pushing into the ring, back on the floor, both fall off the field, the two 70kg class players took the lead in the first stage of the competition, strength and skill are reflected in the soft and tender. The rhythm of the game was tense and the outcome was a cliffhanger. The rich technical movements, complex changes of energy, let the audience familiar with taekwondo, judo and boxing have seen the tai chi technique that are different from throwing, beating and kicking, the scene cheered and cheered.


In early October this year, Gong Shou Dao's first training camp settled in Tongling, Anhui province, for more than a month of closed training. Under the guidance of Wang Zhanhai, chief coach of Gong Shou Dao, the world champion of tai chi quan, and the personal guidance of Li Lianjie, the successor of tai chi quan, martial arts champion and college students make up the first stage athletes, and have to conduct intensive training every day. It includes basic skills, physical fitness, technical action, coordination and actual combat, which are fully prepared for the event.


In addition to the professional athletes' confrontation, the competition has also arranged four amateur competition which includes Internet employees and college students, is equally exciting. The principles of fairness, participation and participation in the Olympic Games have been highlighted.


According to the introduction, the Gong Shou Dao evolved from tai chi push. Taiji push is an important means to train skills and "strength" in tai chi quan system. Traditional martial arts, such as kicking, holding, beating, wrestling and so on have been used in tai chi push. Other species of quan also has "rubbing hand" and "Chi hand" and other similar exercises.


On the basis of the tai chi push, Gong Shou Dao has carried out international innovation, preserving the concept of rigid and flexible and the core rules of tai chi push. The basic principle is "push and press", the basic technique is "split elbow on" and by modifying and innovating the rules of the game, the competition will be more confrontational and appreciative.


The first event, which kicked off the way that Gong Shou Dao goes to the world, lit up the spark of sharing tai chi with the world and carrying forward the traditional Chinese culture. Through Youku and CCTV, Gong Shou Dao presents the charm of tai chi to the world and attracts more martial arts enthusiasts worldwide, especially young people.

  作者 張淵 李斌     翻譯 耿凱寧

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:張淵 李斌    | 責編:呂金津    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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