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Zhejiang scenery: Wuyi Niutou Mountain
發佈時間:2017-11-16 14:23:40    

  牛頭山座落武義西南,是浙中第一高峰,被國家林業局命名國家森林公園,位於有“江南華清池,浙中桃花源”之美譽的浙江省武義縣境內,距武義縣 城60公里,總面積1327.69公頃。

Niutou Mountain located southwest of Wuyi, is the first peak in Zhejiang, named by the National Forestry Bureau as National Forest Park. It is located in Wuyi County, Zhejiang Province, which has the title of “Huaqing Hot Spring in Jiangnan, Peach Garden in mid-Zhejiang”, 60 kilometers away from Wuyi County, with a total area of 1327.69 hectares.



Niutou Mountain Forest Park is the source of Xuanping stream, the main tributary of Oujiang River, a total area of 1292.52 hectares, and the forest coverage rate reached 99%. In the park, there are concentrated contiguous acres of natural broad-leaved forest resources, with 1530 million species of wild plants and 265 species of wild animals. Among them, there are 8 species of First-Grade or Second-Grade State Protection plants and 36 species of First-Grade State Protection animals, which are important biological gene banks in East China. The main peak of Niutou Mountain is 1560 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains like Gu’ao Mountain, Tiancang Mountain, Baima Mountain and so on, with rolling hills, dense forests, complex mountain roads, waterfalls and deep pools, canyon cliffs, ancient and grotesque trees around.


  公園屬中山地貌,峰巒疊嶂,高聳雲霄,千米以上山峰林立,作為“金華八婺 第一峰”的牛頭山,海拔1560米,不僅由仙而名,更因水而靈。古樹斷崖 相伴的碧湖懸瀑,皮筏漂流、爬坡戲 浪等激情誘惑,讓遊賓在訪仙問道之餘,可擁抱激流而抵達快樂生命的巔峰。牛頭山神牛谷漂流,峰險崖峭,峽深流急,新設皮筏漂流堪稱“浙中第一漂”。漂流全程3公里,大小落差有20余個,最高落差有2.6米,兩岸林密 岩奇,獸躍禽飛,和諧怡然,派原始 景象。良好植被的水源涵養和水質凈化,造就了可與九寨溝媲美的秀水。 河流順山勢而下,千回百轉,曲徑通幽,大有“山窮水復疑無路,柳岸花明又 一村”的新奇。

The park is the Zhongshan landform, with rounding ranges of hills, prick toward the sky. There are all peaks above the altitude of 1000 meters. As the "first peak of eight counties in Jinhua", Niutou Mountain is 1560 meters above sea level, not only famous for the immortal, but also for the water. Passion temptations like the lakes and waterfalls with ancient trees and cliffs, rafting, climbing and paddling and so on make visitors when ask the fairy, they can embrace the rapids and reach the peak of their happy lives. ShenNiu Valley drift in Niutou Mountain with steep mountains, deep valleys, and turbulent river, skin raft drift can be called "First Drift in Mid- Zhejiang ". The whole journey of drift is 3 kilometers, more than 20 large and small drops, and the highest drop is 2.6 meters. The thick trees and exotic rocks on both sides, animal jump and bird fly, so harmonious, a vision of the original. Good vegetation of water conservation and water purification, created beautiful lakes comparable to Jiuzhaigou. The river flows along the mountain, with innumerable twists and turns like "After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright flowers and a lovely village."


來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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