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ZAIC and BCM, Zhejiang Branch start joint activities to support small and micro businesses strategic cooperation and ‘abidance and credit loans’
發佈時間:2017-11-16 14:18:15    

  中國網浪潮資訊 貸款難一直是小微企業發展的掣肘,如今,誠信能“換錢”這樣的事情就發生在浙江。

The loan difficulty has been an obstacle to the development of Small and micro businesses, today, integrity "exchanging money" happened in Zhejiang.


Zhejiang Administration For Industry& Commerce and Bank of Communication, Zhejiang Branch hand in hand to help "Small and Micro Businesses 3-year Growth Plan", launched a ‘abidance and credit loans’, docking support Zhejiang province AAA class publicity businesses, which "abide by contract, and pay attention to credit" to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs.



As an intangible asset of an enterprise, credit’s added value has become increasingly prominent. "Abidance and credit loans" sets up a bridge between the intangible assets- credit and the "tangible finance" of the enterprise. It is reported that the "abide by contract, and pay attention to credit" enterprise has been rated as "AAA", and in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and bank credit policy, they can obtained the highest credit limit of RMB 2 million yuan.


On the day of the event, four enterprises such as JuJiang Group get the benefit firstly, and signed an "abidance and credit loans" credit agreement with the Bank of Communications, and obtained a total of 50 million yuan intention credit line. At the same time, the first batch of 22 provincial credit companies are taking credit process, the total intention line of credit is more than 120 million yuan.


It is learnt that from 1985, ZAIC has carried out the "abide by contract, and pay attention to credit" identification work. After 2002, according to the requirements of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the practice of "abide by contract, and pay attention to credit" in Zhejiang Province, it was renamed as "Zhejiang industrial and commercial enterprises credit rating, abide by contract, and pay attention to credit unit" identification. In 2012, the State Administration of industry and Commerce made a major adjustment in the work mechanism of "abidance and pay attention", which was changed from original "identification" to "public notification".


To this end, from 2016, Zhejiang changed "Zhejiang industrial and commercial enterprises credit rating, abide by contract, and pay attention to credit unit" into "Zhejiang abide by contract, and pay attention to credit unit public notification". For more than 30 years, through continuous practice and improvement, ZAIC has formed a complete system and method in the publicity of enterprise's "abidance and pay attention". "Abide by contract, and pay attention" has become a bonus project for enterprises to participate in competition, such as construction, drug centralized procurement, information technology projects and many other bidding activities, and even become access threshold of Zhejiang enterprises to go out of the province, to participate in the national business activities.



Statistics show that at present, there are 2,681 "abide by contract, and pay attention" enterprises with public (identified) AAA class in Zhejiang. As of the end of October this year, the number of existing enterprises in Zhejiang is the main more than 1.92 million, and public enterprises which can become AAA class "abide by contract, and pay attention", are basically 1.4/1000.


Feng Shuihua, director of the ZAIC, said, "‘abidance and credit loans’ is a new mode of cooperation between the government, banks and enterprises, and is the pioneer in the national business system and banking industry. It has no ready-made experience to learn from, and may encounter such and such problems in the process. But I believe that as long as we are in line with the spirit of helping enterprises develop healthily, our efforts will surely produce fruitful results. We should strengthen the user orientation, pay attention to the user experience, and listen to the voice of enterprises, so that can enterprises join in the financial services solutions more, and truly get more benefits, having a stronger sense of access."

  (作者:張淵 王思楊 見習作者:呂金津  翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者::張淵 王思楊 見習:呂金津 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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