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從深海到極地 浙江海洋二所13名科研人員開啟南極之旅
From the deep sea to the polar ocean, 13 scientists from Zhejiang Second Institute of Oceanography have opened the Antarctic Tour
發佈時間:2017-11-13 16:15:52    


"Sail, and I will go to Antarctica for a while. Thanks to the great support of my family, I fulfilled my trip to the South pole......" Just now, Tang Limei, associate researcher at the second Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration, said with emotion.



Recently, last month from the triumph of the Arctic “Snow Dragon” expedition ship once again set sail from Shanghai, carrying thirty-fourth China Antarctic scientific expedition, the Antarctic journey opened annually. The second Institute of Oceanography consists of 13 research personnel involved in the expedition, Tang Limei, Lu Xiaoming and Kang Jianhua 3 people as the first batch of players with the ship leave.


According to the arrangement, the expedition team will take the "Snow Dragon" through New Zealand, Ross Sea to Zhongshan Station, followed by general Liz Bay, Davies sea and Ross Sea scientific research operations. After arriving at New Zealand for supplies, he went to work at Amundsen sea. The total range is about 36 thousand nautical miles. It is expected to return to Shanghai in mid April 2018.


This study will make full use of ship based, ice based, sea based, air based, land based and other base station platform, through the "land - Ocean -Atmosphere-ice-shelf - biological" multidisciplinary observation, carry out preparatory work for the West Bank of Ross Sea Chinese fifth Antarctic research station construction, and carry out the National Antarctic view / monitoring network the construction.the protection of the marine environment investigation and environmental remediation and other key work station; carry out routine geophysical survey, Amundsen sea marine environment investigation.


Since the preliminary task of the construction of China's fifth scientific research stations is heavy, after the "Snow Dragon" arrived in the Antarctic, the first station will go straight to the site of the new site of Ross Sea. China Antarctic expedition fixed wing aircraft "snow hawk 601" will be the first large-scale transport of Zhongshan Station personnel transported to the Antarctic mission, while continuing to carry out Antarctic inland flight and aerial remote sensing project investigation at the same time.

   中國網綜合  翻譯:張旭

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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