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168.2 billion! 2017 Tmall "Double 11" perfect ending, refresh the global record once again
發佈時間:2017-11-12 13:08:01    

  中國網浪潮資訊 1682億!伴隨著2017天貓雙11全球狂歡節媒體中心的陣陣歡呼聲,今年天貓雙11的總交易額定格在1682億元,這一刻,世界屬於天貓!可以説天貓雙11的每一秒,都在持續創造著中國乃至全球商業的新傳奇。  

168.2 billion! With bursts of cheers in 2017 Tmall Double 11 Shopping Festival media center, this year, Tmall double 11 total trading volume is 168.2 billion yuan. At this moment, the world belongs to Tmall! It can be said that every second in Tmall Double 11, continue to create a new legend of China and even the global business.  



2017 Tmall double 11, global consumers complete payment of 1.48 billion through Alipay, an increase of 41% over last year. This is equivalent to on Double 11, the average Chinese completed more than 1 payment in Alipay.  


As of November 11th, 24:00, 2017 Tmall Double 11 Shopping Festival logistics orders are 812 million. Hand-Chopping people of 225 countries and regions in the world join the 2017 Tmall Double 11 Shopping Festival.  


At zero in November 11th, only 3 minutes and 01 seconds, 2017 Tmall "double 11 global Carnival" turnover has exceeded 10 billion yuan, 6 ‘ 05’’ turnover of over 20 billion yuan. And last year, Tmall "double 11" turnover exceeded 10 billion yuan, with 6 ‘58’’.  


However, the digital miracle created by double eleven in 2017 is more than that.  


With 12 minutes and 18 seconds, the first order of the whole network is delivered 


2017 Tmall double 11 just started 12 minutes, first order of double eleven whole network has been served. On Zhu Qiao  Town, Jiading District, Shanghai, Cainiao wisdom logistics delivered goods from the nearest customer warehouse, with 12 minutes 18 seconds. 


256 thousand per second, refreshes the global record 


Data from Alipay, 2017Tmall double 11 just opening 5’22’’, the new payment peak is birth: 256 thousand per second, over 1 times more than last year, and set a world record once again. At the same time, there are database processing peaks, 42 million times per second. 


At 7’23’’, the number of payments exceeded 100 million 


At 7’23’’, the number of payments exceeded 100 million, which is equivalent to the whole day double 11 total payment number5 years ago (2012). From the users feedback, at first 10 minutes of this year’s Double 11, the payment is smooth, without network congestion and jam phenomenon. 


13:09’ 49’’, breaking the record of last year's trading volume  


Double 11 real-time transaction data shows that 2017 Tmall Double 11 Shopping Festival trading volume reached 120.7 billion yuan in 13:09’’ 49’’, breaking the 2016 turnover record.  


From 50 million in 2009, to 120.7 billion in 2016, and to 168.2 billion this year, Tmall double 11 turnover increased by more than 2000 times. This figure is particularly stunning, the first 3 minutes break 10 billion, more than twice as fast as last yea. As of 13:09’49’’, it has exceeded last year's turnover. The global shopping Carnival has been developing for ninth years, and it also has the momentum of growing up like a nine-year-old child. 


Compared with global social synergy built up by Tmall double 11 this year, the importance of GMV is belongs to the past more. GMV is just a side view of Tmall double 11. From global "resonance" stirred up by "five new" like the new retail, we see a cross-border economy ecological platform through technological innovation brought about by the symbiotic cooperation. It is more representative of human civilization commercial future.

  (中國網作者 張淵 李斌 胡金 報道 杜依依 譯)


來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 李斌 胡金 杜依依 譯    | 責編:邱玉潔    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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