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Hangzhou is trying best to build Talent ecological optimal city
發佈時間:2017-11-11 15:37:36    

中國網浪潮資訊   近日,2017浙江·杭州國際人才交流與項目合作大會舉行。人才,是一座城市發展的底氣。在推進“兩個高水準”建設的新時代,比任何時候都更需要人才,更渴求人才。浙江正在全力打造人才生態最優省,作為省會城市的杭州,當然要勇立潮頭,全力打造人才生態最優市,成為全省乃至全國的排頭兵。杭州日益優化的人才生態環境,已然形成了強大的“人才磁吸”現象,使杭州人才凈流入率躍居全國首位。

Recently, the international talent exchange and project cooperation conference  was held in hangzhou, zhejiang province. Talent is the foundation of a city. In the new era of advancing "two high levels" of construction, more than ever, people need talent and thirst for talent. Zhejiang province is making full efforts to build the best ecological province for talents. Hangzhou, as the provincial capital city, is sure to stand up and make the best of the ecological city. Hangzhou's increasingly optimized talent ecological environment has formed a powerful phenomenon of "talent magnetic attraction", which leads to the highest net inflow rate in hangzhou.



Hangzhou is the best city for talent ecology. First, we need to optimize the soft and hard environment. The core elements here include: social environment should be peaceful and harmonious, and honest and friendly; The humanistic environment should respect talents and be wise. The market environment should be easy and healthy and competitive. The system environment should be open and equal and not in a style; The political environment should be open-minded and clean. Work environment should encourage innovation and tolerance failure; The living environment should be superior and secure. The natural environment should be a beautiful scenery, suitable for living. Hangzhou is further optimizing the ecological environment of talents, so as to make it possible for the world to come and come, even if it is not invited.


Hangzhou built the best city for talents, so it is important to form a comparative advantage in system policy. Hangzhou released a year ago "about deepening the system reform of the personnel for the development of talent" New Deal "several opinions, is to supplement and complete article 27" talent "New Deal", more aggressive, the gold content is higher, more benefit talent groups. With the comparative advantage of system, mechanism and policy, the comparative advantage of talent absorption can be realized. Because of the system design of "matter of matter", the two major projects of professor shi yigong and professor rao in hangzhou have been funded by 100 million yuan each, which is an example. In the future, we need to further improve the dynamic mechanism for creative talents. Through research and development of the "successive upgrade" of hangzhou talent new policy, the comparative advantage of institutional policy will be improved continuously


Hangzhou built the best city for talents, and the first responsibility is to lead cadres at all levels of the party. The talent ecology is not good, see the cadre first. Talent is the only talent. The party management personnel, should take the talent management to good use good, the leading cadre oneself first wants to be the outstanding talented person, especially should become the outstanding talented person that manages talented person; Therefore, it optimizes the ecological environment for talent absorption, growth and use, and improves the scientific, standardized and institutionalized level of talent management.

 (中國網綜合 翻譯夏夢茹)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網綜合    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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