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Zhejiang movie "The Chinese Widow" tell the world the story of ChineseZhejiang movie "The Chinese Widow" tell the world the story of Chinese
發佈時間:2017-11-11 15:25:31    

中國網浪潮資訊   11月10日下午,電影《烽火芳菲》上映,這個曾在浙江鄉土之上用鮮血和智慧踐行的故事,帶著“浙江元素”走出了國門,把浙江文化推向了世界。

In the afternoon of November 10th, the movie "The Chinese Widow" came out, which is a story be practiced in Zhejiang local place with blood and wisdom, go abroad with "Zhejiang elements", push Zhejiang culture to the world.



The "The Chinese Widow" directed by Billy August, from Danish, Liu Yifei, Emil Huskey, Yu Shaoqun, Yan Yikuan and other actors starred in. The film tells the story of World War II, because run out of the fuel, Captain Jack Turner (Emil Huskey) and his team landed in Zhejiang province, China, yingzi (Liu Yifei), her daughter and villagers rescue American pilots, these experience reproduced the story of humanity with truth, kindness and beauty in the war years.


This movie seemingly traditional anti Japanese War as the theme, under the director Billy Auguste's camera, acting with the European and American model. The director is one of the three directors who won the palm and Oscar and the Golden Globe Award for best foreign language film award at the same time, led the seven national team for six years, with the Western view what is different from the Chinese film makers, tells the story of Chinese ordinary but greatness hero.


  2017年5月3日,《中華人民共和國政府與丹麥政府關於合作攝製電影的協議》簽署儀式在北京人民大會堂舉行。國務院總理李克強與丹麥首相拉斯穆森(Lars Lokke Rasmussen)共同見證了協議的簽署,國家新聞出版廣電總局副局長張宏森與丹麥電影協會主席亨瑞克·尼爾森(Henrik Bo Neilsen)代表雙方簽署了上述文件。

In May 3rd, 2017, the signing ceremony of the agreement between the government of the People's Republic of China and the Danish government on the co production of films was held at the Great Hall of the people in Beijing. Premier Li Keqiang and Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark witnessed the signing of the agreement together, Zhang Hongsen, deputy director of the State Press and Publication Administration of radio and Henrik Bo Neilsen, the Danish Film Institute president on behalf of the two sides signed the document.


In May 19th, Henrik Nelson is also standing in the Danish National Film Board theater, hosted screenings activity for the "The Chinese Widow".  there are Danish royal family members, Denmark Film Festival president and other people attended.


Henrik Nelson said in his speech, the show is an important substantive cooperation after the two countries signed a co production agreementat the beginning of May, it marks a new beginning of deepen bilateral exchanges of film between China and Denmark.Li Guoqi, Deputy director of the State Press and Publication Administration of Film Bureau also said in his speech, the film "The Chinese Widow" is a successful example of Chinese film cooperation with foreign famous artists of the film in recent years, also explored the successful path for the cooperation between Chine and Denmark.

 (中國網綜合 翻譯宓文文)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 編輯 邱玉潔    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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