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“雙十一”阿裏交易額3分01秒破百億元 全球大協同初露崢嶸
Turnover of Ali up to ten billion yuan in 3’’01’’ in "Double 11", global synergy begin to reveal its extraordinary features
發佈時間:2017-11-11 15:08:15    

中國網浪潮資訊   11日零時一過,“雙十一”全球狂歡節正式進入第九年。阿里巴巴集團披露的數據稱,僅用了3分鐘1秒,阿里巴巴平臺上的交易額衝破100億元人民幣,其中無線交易額佔比達90%以上,而2016年達到此交易額用時6分58秒。截至0時40分12秒,阿里巴巴平臺上的交易額突破500億元人民幣。

On November 11th, when the zero hour passed, the "Double 11" Global Shopping Festival entered to the ninth year officially. According to data released by Alibaba group, trading volume of Alibaba platform broke through 10 billion yuan only in 3’01’’, in which the amount of wireless transactions accounted for more than 90%, while reaching this amount of transactions with 6’58’’ in 2016. As of 0:40’ 12’’, trading volume of Alibaba platform exceeded 50 billion yuan.



It is worth noting that this year's wireless trading volume accounted for more than 90%, last year accounted for more than 85% of this proportion. Observers said that the mobile terminal has become the mainstream of online shopping consumption, providing necessary support for the development of new retail formats.


Payment peak appeared at 0:5’22’’ on November 11st, and the transaction reached 256 thousand per second, an increase of over 1.1 times, refreshing the global record. Database processing peaks are up to 42 million times per second.



  The first express of 2017 Tmall Double 11 Global Shopping Festival has been accepted only using 12’18’’


"Every year’s Double 11, there will be many new surprises, and new business phenomenon and business power has germination and display here. A few years later, we went back to see that they had become the representatives of the most emerging business force and the emerging force of production. I believe this year's Double 11 is no exception, and I'm looking forward to having more new forces, more Double 11 surprises in Double 11 this year." Zhang Yong, CEO of Alibaba group said.



At the start-up of the 2017 Tmall Double 11 Global Shopping Festival, Zhang Yong positioned "Double 11" as a "global social synergy"-- From an idea in 2009 to the 2017 "Chinese phenomenon, global resonance". Double 11 is the world's all commercial forces driven by science and technology, big data, to completed a global synergy, and is also the world's Chinese phenomenon.


From the trading situation, the "resonance" trend has been very obvious, "amplitude" is also expanding. As Zhang Yong said, commerce of the whole society is moving towards the digital economy era, and "Double 11" is a very good window to show it. "Double 11 shows great synergy and cooperation between China and the world. It also allows all businesses to show the best goods and services to consumers, so that all hand-cutting people have a common festival across the globe, across borders, across time zones, across skin color and culture."

(中國網綜合 翻譯杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網綜合    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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