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Network Expert evaluation and ‘double 11’directional monitoring practice held in Hangzhou
發佈時間:2017-11-08 15:58:49    

  中國網浪潮資訊 對許多熟悉網購的消費者來説,你是否關注過各個購物網站的交易規則?北京時間11月7日上午,浙江省工商局召開網路交易規則專家評暨“雙11”定向監測實務公示會,正式向社會公佈網路交易規則評審結果。

For many consumers who familiar with online shopping, have you been concerned about the various shopping websites’ trading rules? On the morning of November 7, Beijing time, the Zhejiang Administration of Industry and Commerce held an expert comment on online trading rules and a publicity conference on ‘Double 11’ directional monitoring practice, officially announcing the results of the online trading rules review to the public.



The trading rules of the internet platform are not only a symbol of the maturity of the platform, but also the guarantee of the platform's sustainable development. With the continuous popularization of online shopping, the overall level of network transaction control is also constantly improving. The network trading rules expert evaluation activities, the main evaluation of Zhejiang Province, 10 large-scale online commodity trading platform, including Tmall, Taobao, Mushroom Street Network, and other well-known large-scale e-commerce platform, as well as cross-border purchase , The same city Tesco, China's switch network and other representative platform in Zhejiang Province, covering consumer, production and other types of platform types. This review invited experts from all walks of life, after many rounds of soliciting opinions and discussions, and finally formed a review report on "2017 Zhejiang Online Trading Expert Review."


Huang Ping, deputy director of Bureau of Zhejiang Province Administration of Industry and Trade Branch introduced, Lynx, Taobao's network trading rules represent the current platform rules of a higher standard. Mushroom Street Network, Beibei network, NetEase strict selection rules of the transaction network is relatively complete, the Chinese switch network, Yiwu purchase network, before the shop floor factory network trading rules basic shape, but the rules still need to be strengthened. Cross-border purchase, the same city e-commerce platforms such as platform rules of the network is not a system. Using only a few simple question-and-answer terms instead of rules, there is a relatively large lack of online trading rules.


It is understood that this year's ‘double 11’ period, the Trade and Industry Bureau will carry out targeted monitoring, the main monitoring is not brightly labeled, forged or fraudulent use of identity, whether the state issued a ban on the sale of goods without permission to sell without authorization, ‘Imitate nameplate’ Trademark logo, network brushstrokes and other acts of speculation, the technical inspection found that the first batch of 97 stores involved in the 284 illegal clues focus on monitoring. After the monitoring is completed, the AIC will evaluate the monitoring results and form a monitoring and analysis report. Disclose the discovered illegal activities according to law.

  (作者 張淵 王思楊 翻譯:夏夢茹)

來源: 中國網    | 作者: 張淵 王思楊 翻譯:夏夢茹    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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