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近千名“朗讀者”齊聚千島湖 從此這裡成了他們的“詩和遠方”
Nearly a thousand "readers" gathered in Qiandao Lake, where becomes their "poems and distant places" from now on
發佈時間:2017-11-08 15:49:16    


From November 4th to November 5th, Beijing time, the 11th Zhejiang Teenagers Classical Poetry Reading ActivitY and Reading Contest Finals and Award Party held in Shi City, Wenyuan, Qiandao Lake. Thousands of young "readers" interpreted Chinese classical poetry, learned skills from each other in beautiful scenery of Qiandao Lake, and felt the unique "poems and distant places" here with Tong Zirong, a leading authority in dubbing circle.


  自5月比賽啟動以來,全省掀起了一波又一波的中華經典詩文誦讀高潮,全省數十萬中小學生家庭,數千所中小學積極加入這波“誦讀大業”,全省100多萬中小學生報名參加了比賽。最終, 94組節目、近千名中小學生在千島湖展開角逐,比賽共決出16個一等獎,32個二等獎,46個三等獎。

Since the competition started in May, the province has set off a wave of classical Chinese poetry and prose reading climax. Thousands of primary and secondary school students in the province, thousands of primary and secondary schools join the "great cause of reading" actively, and the about 1000000 primary and middle school students entered the competition. Finally, the 94 groups, nearly 1000 students competed in Qiandao Lake. The competition was decided 16 first prizes, 32 second prizes, 46 third prizes.


The biggest highlight of the event is famous artists like Tong Zirong, "Prince of Dubbing" and Pan Tao, the winner of Chinese Broadcasting Golden Microphone Award, host of CCTV "Evening News" and so on attended the scene, and performing on stage.


It is understood that the final choice of the venue in Qiandao Lake. The reason is that the unique natural environment here, which is called "the paradise of the reader", is very suitable for reading creation. Mr. Tong Zirong was enchanted by the green mountains and rivers when he came to the Qiandao Lake for the first time, "Qiandao Lake is a good place to read creations for readers." He said.

  今年淳安縣朗誦活動風生水起,先後舉辦淳安“憶先烈 聯民心”大型經典朗誦會、“走進閱讀殿堂 誦讀經典美文”2017年淳安縣全民閱讀活動、喜迎十九大“康美淳安•青聲嘹亮”朗誦會等,千島湖已漸漸成為朗讀者心中的“詩和遠方”。

This year, recitation activities in Chunan County are very rich and colorful. Chunan “memory of the martyrs and connection of people's minds” large classic recital, "Read into the palace of reading, read the classic essay" 2017 Chunan County People's reading activities, Celebrate 19th National Congress of CPC—“Health and beautiful Chunan - loud voice of Youth” recitation and so on held one after another. Qiandao Lake has gradually become "poems and distant places" in readers' mind.

  (作者:胡金 翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者::胡金 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:王思楊    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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