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感受生活美學新思想 ADM在杭州開幕
Experience the new idea of life aesthetics ADM opens in Hangzhou
發佈時間:2017-11-03 14:23:28    

  北京時間11月2日,ADM2017亞洲設計管理論壇暨生活創新展在杭州開幕。今年是ADM的第五年,主辦方順理成章地想出了一個好主題“GIVE ME FIVE”來慶祝展覽的不斷升級與成長。

November 2nd , Beijing Time, ADM2017 Asia Design Management BBS and life innovation exhibition opens in Hangzhou. This year is the fifth year of ADM, and the organizer has come up with a good theme of "GIVE ME FIVE" to celebrate the upgrade and growth of the exhibition.

  本次ADM的總策展人包益民,是獲得美國兩所一流設計學院(羅得島設計學院及加州設計藝術中心學院)設計學士學位與廣告碩士學位的唯一華人。他曾在 2008 年被國際著名雜誌《Wallpaper》評選為 33 位世界創意傑出人士之一。

The chief curator of the ADM Bao Yimin, is the only Chinese with a bachelor's degree in design and a master's degree in advertising from two leading American design schools(Rhode Island school of design and art center college of design in California). In 2008, he was selected by the international magazine Wallpaper as one of the 33 best creative people in the world.

  “本次的策展理念是I AM A DREAMER(我是夢想家)” 包益民介紹到,他們把熱愛生活的創新力量集合在一起,向生活發出吶喊,讓她變成一個禮物,獻給每一個愛做夢的人。

“The idea of the exhibition is I AM A DREAMER.” Bao Yimin said, they bring together the creative forces that love life and make a call to life, and make her a present for every dreamer.

  據了解, 今年ADM論壇邀請了來自美國、英國、法國、新加坡、南韓、日本、瑞典及中國台灣、中國香港等國家和地區的130位全球頂級跨界大師。 本屆ADM將持續11天(11月2日-12日),地點在杭鍋老廠房(城市之星工業遺存保護區)。

It is understood that this year the ADM BBS invited from the United States, Britain, France, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Sweden and Taiwan of China, Hong Kong of China and other countries and regions of the world's top 130 master of crossover. The ADM will last 11 days (November 2-12) and will be located in the old factory in Hangzhou (city star industrial heritage reserve).

  [中國網綜合 翻譯:耿凱寧]

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:耿凱寧    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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