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浙江建全球最大太陽能道路 電動汽車或將邊行駛邊充電
Zhejiang building the world's largest solar road, electric vehicles may realize charging while driving
發佈時間:2017-11-02 15:42:53    


The day before, in the park of Zhejiang Shaoxing Lanting Pavilion Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltd., a 200-ton dump truck easily pressed over a paved road paved with solar panels, and the pavement is intact. This marks after ten years of completion, the "Sun-1" photovoltaic pavement has become the world's largest load bearing solar test road which was finished by units like Lanting Pavilion Solar Energy, Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology,CAS, Qinhua Smarter City and Smarter Transportation Research Center and so on.


It is understood that the base layer of the road is composed of rigid cement and flexible asphalt structure, which further enhances the bearing capacity of the road. The surface of the road is paved with solar cells. The light energy is converted into electric energy, and the electric energy is converted into electromagnetic wave to launch. In the future, the manufacturers can equipped cars with the wireless charging module to receive the electromagnetic wave signal for the vehicle charging.


Staffs told reporters that this solar road will do different functional tests throughout the country in the future, and the technology will continue to improve, with broad prospects for application. The initial investment of the road is about 30% higher than that of the ordinary highway, but the service life can be longer than 20 years, and the repair and maintenance are convenient. However, when will the future be put into practical application, there is no timetable.


At the end of last year, a small town called Normandy in France, built the world's first solar powered Road, and the futuristic path was called Wattway. Despite the doubts, solar roads, in any case, create possibilities for the deep integration of transportation and new energy industries. Especially in urban squares and special sections, solar roads still have considerable imagination.

  (中國網綜合  翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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