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Zhejiang Scenery: Tianji Longmen
發佈時間:2017-10-31 14:44:42    


  Tianji Longmen(original Longmen Canyon) is located in the scenic south of Zhejiang city in Quzhou Province, 29 kilometers, is a national AAAA level, national Forest Park, provincial scenic area of Ziwei Mountain scenic area scenic area, the scenic development of an area of 14 square kilometers, is a set of landscape tourism and leisure in one of the tourist attractions.



  Tianji Longmen scenic popular with peaks, cliffs, valleys, and waterfalls, in the scenic, there are hills and mountains, canyons, there are 54 peaks are 1000 meters above sea level and the Shuimen sharp is 1452.8 meters, which is the first peak of SanQu. From the Shuimen Sharp to Longmen is a long for 25 Chinese mile, the relative elevation of nearly 1000 meters deep canyon stream, the canyon broad and narrow, steep and flat shape, forming a unique risk, male, odd, quiet, the show.



  The unique high mountains and deep valleys’ geography and climate have given birth to a wealth of animal and plant resources. Scenic spots in the growth of a variety of more than 1000 kinds of plants, including national first class protected tree species Taxus chinensis and Fragrant fruit tree. Especially the national protection of tree species pseudotaxus chienii, contiguous distribution area of more than 4000 acres, is highest in the country; the forest also inhabit the leopard, Leiothrix, serow, tufted deer, pangolin and other hundred species rare fowls and strange animals


  “不甘此生做凡人,腳踏一步躍龍門”。傳説中,天脊龍門即為龍生九子之所在。 龍生九子,各有所好,因各得山水不同之靈秀,而形異性殊。此外,景區內還匯集龍宮、龍橋、龍亭、龍門以及龍涎溫泉、龍潭飛瀑、飛龍在天等景觀,堪稱集“龍文化”之大成。更為神奇的是,相傳當年這裡曾有金鯉躍過龍門而變身為龍,因貪戀美景不願升天,後經天竺聖僧點化,化身為一條蜿蜒起伏、氣勢磅薄的棧道盤踞于崇山峻嶺之間。棧道上方有九龍宮、一步通仙橋和長達108米、高逾100米的“浙西第一索橋”,體驗華東第一長“飛龍大滑索”淩空飛渡的新奇感受等,遊人置身其上,無限風光盡收眼底,令人稱絕。

  Unwilling to do mortal beings in this life, step by step Longmen. Legend has it that the Tianji Longmen is the place that the dragon born its nine sons. The nine sons of the dragon, because of the different landscape everyone has his hobby, elegant, and special shape anisotropy. In addition, the scenic area also collects Dragon Palace, Dragon Bridge, Dragon Pavillon, Dragon Door and ambergris spa, dragon pool waterfall, dragon flight and other landscape, called “dragon culture” of the great. What is more, it is said that there was a gold carp over Longmen and turned into a dragon, due to lust the beauty to so that don’t want to go to heaven, but after an India holy man reveal, the embodiment of a winding ups and downs, of great momentum plank entrenched in the high mountains and lofty hills. There are nine dragon palace, One step becoming celestial being Bridge and up to 108 meters, 100 meters higher than the first bridge of the West Zhejiang, the first East long experience “dragon big strop stagecoach volley” new feelings, visitors to stay on and could watch the unlimited panoramic scenery, it is make people said absolutely.

  [中國網綜合 翻譯:張旭]

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:中國網綜合 翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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