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中外大咖杭城共話民辦教育 探索國際化發展新途徑
Chinese and foreign educational masters discuss private education in Hangzhou, explore new ways of international development
發佈時間:2017-10-30 14:43:57    

中國網浪潮資訊  習近平總書記在十九大報告中指出“建設教育強國是中華民族偉大復興的基礎工程,必須把教育事業放在優先位置,加快教育現代化,辦好人民滿意的教育。”

Building a powerful country in education is the basic project of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. We must give priority to education, speed up the modernization of education, and make people satisfied with the education.Pointed by General secretary Xi Jinping in presentation of the 19th National Congress of CPC.


To implement the spirit of the party's 19th CPC National Congress , October 29th, from 21 provinces and the city, hundreds of private schools, the principal investors, the person in charge of private education institutions and masters from the United States, Thailand and other foreign private educational institutions gathered in Hangzhou, learning the spirit of the party's 19th CPC National Congress, to further discuss how to implement the Non-governmental Education Promotion Law as an opportunity to further adhere to private schools, run high quality private schools to meet the needs of the society.


The data showed that in China, there are 61300 private schools in 2002, by 2016 to 171000, an increase of 110400, the number of internal students increased from 11 million 480 thousand in 2002 to 48 million 250 thousand in 2016, an increase of 36 million 770 thousand people. In the same period, the number of public schools has decreased by 285600, and the number of students in schools has decreased by 32 million.


In this regard, the doctoral supervisor, research center of Private Education Education Institute of Zhejiang University tutor Professor Wu Hua believes that private education provides a way of running school more effectively and more choice, more fair for China education.


Yu Jianming, One of sponsor of the salon, the vice president of Zhejiang Association of private education in Zhejiang and the chairman of Zhejiang new century education Union, said in a keynote speech at the party's 19th CPC National Congress report, and in September 1st this year launched the Non-governmental Education Promotion Law , the law in the school of management, social responsibility and international education the problem put forward more and more specific requirements. To fully implement the fundamental task of high moral values establishment and people cultivation, promote the education fair, to let every child can enjoy the fair and quality education.


Yu Jianming believes that the future needs of education will be more fair, higher quality of modern education system, the future education challenges will continue to be uneven development of education, inadequate. This development is not balanced, not enough to include not only the allocation of educational resources are not balanced, not enough, also including the current development needs of all levels of education level, type, structure, layout, management mechanism and the new age does not match, no synchronization. Faced with these problems, only through the scientific school internal governance can be solved. This is also the meaning of hosting the national private school principals salon and the private primary and secondary school principals summit forum.


In addition, the education experts said, to strengthen the school internal governance, highlighting the social responsibility of school, facing modernization, facing the world, in the new era of socialist China characteristics, to do to meet the social needs of high-quality educational resources and make unremitting efforts to private schools, is the national education institutions’ big duty and the responsibility to implement the spirit of the party's 19th CPC National Congress.

  (作者 張淵 李斌 報道 翻譯:張旭)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 李斌 報道 翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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