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浙江持續推進青年旅遊交友新模式 300余名單身男女相約慶元
Zhejiang continues to promote new mode of making friends in youth tourism, more than 300 single men and women meet Qingyuan
發佈時間:2017-10-30 15:09:27    

中國網浪潮資訊   竹炭DIY手工製作、鄉村燒烤聯誼晚會、愛情祈福帶、牽手廊橋……10月28日,以“情定廊橋·緣夢慶元”為主題的“詩畫浙江”高鐵旅遊專列從上海始發,開往浙江慶元,300余名單身男女踏上了這趟愛情列車,開啟為期兩天的旅遊交友活動。

Bamboo charcoal DIY Handmade, country barbecue party, Love blessing belt, Hand in hand at Lang Bridge..... October 28th, To "Love bridges - Qingyuan dream" as the theme of "poetry of Zhejiang " high-speed rail train travel originating from Shanghai to Zhejiang, Qingyuan, more than 300 single men and women to embark on a tour of the love train, opened a two day tour dating activities.


"Our Provincial League Committee last year launched the" Pro Green love "service platform has attracted wide attention from all sectors of society, launched jointly with the Shanghai Railway Bureau" to love train "the young friends of train travel activities is the majority of young people." The Communist Youth League of Zhejiang provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department Minister Wang Huiqiu said that the high-speed rail train with the young friends, travel experience combined, can play a tourist destination base function, but also provide important support for the social interaction of young men and women.


As the high-speed rail train travel itinerary point Qingyuan Baishanzu scenic area, because of ecological advantages, its magnificent natural landscape and richly endowed by nature of the high visibility and reputation, in the high-speed train station is the ceremony of Zhejiang Provincial Communist Youth League awarded the Young love activities base title, thus becoming one of the 20 bases of "Pro green love" in Zhejiang.


It is reported that the high-speed rail train travel activities sponsored by the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of Communist Youth League, the Zhejiang Provincial Tourism Bureau, Shanghai Railway Bureau and Qingyuan County People's government, Joint contractor by Zhejiang Province Youth Office, Qingyuan County Comprehensive Tourism Promotion Office, Tourism Commission, Qingyuan County Tourism Commission and the Qingyuan County Communist Youth League Committee, China (Ynagtze River Delta) High speed rail Tourism Alliance, Shanghai High Speed Rail Travel Service Co. Ltd. and other units. And this special train is Qingyuan County's first trip high-speed rail train travel.

  (作者 張淵 丁薩 通訊員 林蕾 翻譯:張旭)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 丁薩 通訊員 林蕾 翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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