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騰訊NEXT IDEA跨界展 用創意使科技更具人文色彩
Tencent NEXT IDEA Cross-border Exhibition using creativity to make science and technology more humane
發佈時間:2017-10-29 14:50:17    

中國網浪潮資訊   北京時間10月28日至11月12日,騰訊集團以“NEXT IDEA x 未來想像”為主題的科技藝術跨界全國巡展在杭州啟動,展示和體驗為期15天。

From October 28th to November 12th, Beijing time, Science and Technology Cross-border Tour which Tencent group used "NEXT IDEA x Future Imagination" as the theme started in Hangzhou with 15-day show and experience.

  展會現場,有將數字計算和傳統手工藝相結合的跨界扎染機器;為探測、救災而開發了7年的可自我重組探索機器人;高二女生為時常忘記吃藥的外公製作的可進行語音提醒、藥物區分等多功能機器人--Pulu care小方智慧藥盒;為兒童設計的通過氣體濃度及化學分析而判斷食物是否變質的檢測儀--咻鼻兒智慧檢測儀;為“漸凍人”等特殊群體開發的,通過腦電、肌電控制的高科技輪椅--“一念即達”智慧輪椅……

There are bandhnu machine combining digital computing with traditional handicrafts, self-organize exploring robot developing 7 years for detection and disaster relief, Pulu care xiaofang intelligent medicine box, multi function robot for voice reminder and drug differentiation made by a Senior Two girl for her grandfather who often forgets to take medicine, Intelligent detector designed for children to determine whether or not food has deteriorated by gas concentration and chemical analysis, "Come over as soon as you think" intelligent wheelchair A high-tech wheelchair controlled by EEG and EMG developed for special groups such as "gradually frozen"……

  NEXT IDEA智慧互聯大賽組委會相關負責人表示,今年智慧互聯大賽的作品的一大特點就是“人情味”和跨界創新,從社會痛點出發,解決社會問題。這些創意的解決方案,分別代表了設計者對不同領域的社會問題的思考。

Responsible person of organizing committee of NEXT IDEA Intelligent Interconnection Competition said that a major feature of the work in this year's intelligent interconnection competition is "human touch" and cross-border innovation starting from the social pain point, to solve social problems. These creative solutions represent the designers' thinking about social problems in different fields.

  NEXT IDEA智慧互聯大賽收穫的近千份選手創意中,涵括了從醫學、農業到文化、藝術等各個領域。在現場展覽中,也以多維度跨界作品收穫的關注度最高,如智慧扎染機、變胞機器人及智慧藥盒。

Nearly one thousand contestants were included in the fields of medicine, agriculture, culture and art in NEXT IDEA Intelligent Interconnection Competition. At the scene of the exhibition, multi dimension cross-border works harvested the highest degree of concern, such as intelligent bandhnu machines, intelligent robots and, intelligent medicine box.

  同時,在展覽中,體現了與藝術的跨界之作,NEXT IDEA聯手騰訊雲小微、歐普照明、英特爾及Sugr,共同打造了一場光影盛宴。將騰訊雲小微的智慧語音交互技術,成功融入歐普照明打造的光影世界中。用光打造視覺舒適、促進身體健康、令人心情愉悅的家居照明環境。

At the same time, the exhibition embodies the cross - border between science and technology. NEXT IDEA teamed up with Tencent cloud Xiaowei, OPPLE lighting, Intel and Sugr, to create a light feast. Intelligent voice interaction technology of Tencent cloud Xiaowei was integrated into light world successfully, which was created by OPPLE lighting. It creates a comfortable home environment that is visually comfortable, healthy and pleasant by light.


When people enter the exhibition hall, they just need to say "hey Xiaowei, I want to go to the seaside", and they can feel the wave in the blue ocean and listen to the sound of the waves. Besides going to the seaside, you can also go to deserts, forests and other places. The venue consists of 120 spherical lights that are controlled by voice, so that each participant can experience the nature of the world in psychedelic light. With this technology, people can "spiritual" around the world, and make your imagination in every corner of the world become available.

  NEXT IDEA智慧互聯大賽組委會認為,評判一件智慧作品的好壞標準主要依照其是否能夠對人們的生活有所改善,因此,本次選出的作品均展現出當代年輕人借助科技的力量對社會問題的關注與解決。

Organizing Committee of NEXT IDEA Intelligent Interconnection Competition believes that the standard to judge the quality of an intelligent work is mainly in accordance with whether it can improve people's lives. Therefore, the selected works all show the concern and solution of the social problems of contemporary young people with the help of science and technology.

  NEXT IDEA騰訊創新大賽是2012年由騰訊集團發起的關注藝術與科技領域的青年創新人才計劃。通過集合騰訊優勢業務以及各個領域的頂尖合作夥伴,挖掘、啟發、培養並孵化年輕人的創意,共同推動全球青年的創新力和創造力。

NEXT IDEA Tencent Innovation Competition is sponsored by Tencent group in 2012. It focuses on the young creative talents program in the field of art and science and technology. Through gathering Tencent's advantage business and the top partners in various fields, they excavate, inspire, cultivate and incubate young people's creativity, and jointly promote the creativity and creativity of the global youth.

  NEXT IDEA騰訊創新大賽負責人表示,希望通過本次跨界巡展,激發更多年輕人關注社會問題,以此打開腦洞並結合現代科技更好地用科技力量實現人文關懷。

Responsible person of NEXT IDEA Innovation Competition said that he hoped that through this cross-border tour, more young people can pay more attention to social problems, open the brain hole, and combine modern technology to use scientific and technological strength better to achieve humane care.

  NEXT IDEA相信每一個想法都有未知的無限可能,並鼓勵青年人從這些小小的創想著手,不斷深入、細化,最終在智慧互聯的發展下逐漸變為現實。而“NEXT IDEA x 未來想像”科技藝術跨界全國巡展正是承載這些腦洞大開的創意的原野。

NEXT IDEA believes that every thought has infinite possibilities, and encourages young people to proceed from these small ideas, deepening and refinement, culminating and become a reality gradually in the development of intelligent interconnection. And "NEXT IDEA x Future Imagination" Science and Technology Cross-border Tour is the creative wilderness that carries these brain holes.

(作者 張淵 李斌 翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 李斌 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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