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“孝順·漁歌杯”2017中國首屆山水四項公開賽 看國內外“鐵人”競技金華
“Xiaoshun. Yuge Cup”2017 China Fist Four Landscape Open Tournaments, Looking at the "Iron men" from home and abroad competed in Jinhua
發佈時間:2017-10-29 14:46:56    

中國網浪潮資訊  北京時間10月28日,“孝順·漁歌杯”2017中國首屆山水四項公開賽在金華孝順漁歌小鎮舉行,中國山水四項公開賽是金華市首創並擁有自主智慧財産權和獨立ip的品牌賽事,包括游泳、皮划艇、越野跑、自行車四個體育運動項目,現場共有1000多名運動員參賽,其中有來自美國、英國、法國、德國、義大利、哥倫比亞等十幾個國家的四十多名外國選手參與。

On October 28th Beijing Time,“Xiaoshun. Yuge Cup”2017 China Fist Four Landscape Open Tournaments was held in Xiaoshun Yuge Small Town of Jinhua. China Four Landscape Open Tournaments is the first brand competition first created by Jinhua City with proprietary intellectual property rights and independent IP, including swimming, canoe and kayak, cross-country race and bicycle four sports events. More than 1,000 athletes participated in the sports on the spot, including over 40 foreign players from more than a dozen countries such as the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Colombia.


At 8 a.m., the opening ceremony of the tournaments was held grandly in chrysanthemum garden of Jinhua Xiaoshun Town. the standing Committee of the CPC Jinhua municipal Committee Zhang Jun,dean of the Sports and Leisure Tourism School of Beijing Sport University Zhang Jian, director of Economic Services Bureau of Administration of Sport of Zhejiang Jiang Jiancheng, chief of Sports Bureau of Jinhua Fang Yuhui, Deputy Secretary of the District Committee and District Mayor Chen Fengqi, director of Jin Yi New Urban District Management Committee Zhao Guorong, Deputy director of Sports Bureau of Jinhua Qian Shoukun, Deputy director of Tourism Bureau of Jinhua Wu Xingwang, Party chief of the Communist Party of China of Xiaoshun Town Tong Lezhong and the Olympic shooting champion Yang ling attended the opening ceremony.

  本次大賽分公開組和體驗組:公開賽四項全能分男女組,選手需按順序依次完成1公里游泳、2公里皮划艇、20公里騎行和 6公里越野跑才能完成比賽,比賽成績各取男女組前十名,獲獎選手將獲得總計3萬2千元的現金獎勵;體驗組則分四個單項,以休閒體驗為主,不設獎項。

The competition was divided into open group and experience group:four All Round of open tournaments were divided into Men's and Women's Groups. And the competitors need to complete the 1 km swimming, 2 km canoeing, 20 km bike ride and 6 km cross-country race in order to finish the game. The competitors of the top 10 scores of the competition respectively from the Men’s and Women’s Groups would receive a total of 32000 yuan of cash reward; The experience group has four singles which is mainly for leisure experience without categories.


At 8:45, along with a shot of the starting gun, 200 contestants from 21 domestic provinces and cities and more than 10 countries in the world jumped into early autumn’s Dongyang river , beginning the first project of four open tournaments. The bicycle, cross-country running, canoeing, and swimming events of the single experience group went on after that. More than 1,000 sports fans experienced the pastoral style of Xiaoshun Small Town together.

  公開組比賽競爭異常激烈,經過了1公里游泳、2公里皮划艇、20公里騎行和 6公里越野跑的考驗後,來自德國的Peter Wolcowicz最終以1小時35分06秒的成績奪得了本次賽事公開組男子組冠軍,彭滸帝和來自義大利的Lovisetto Marco獲得了男子組亞軍和季軍;女子組冠軍則被來自中國寧波的蔡冰惠以1小時53分17秒的成績獲得,來自法國的Olivia Ghisoni和上海的石麗娜獲得了女子組亞軍和季軍。

Competition of the open group was really fierce, after the test of 1 km swimming , 2 km canoeing, 20 km bike riding and 6 km cross-country race, Peter Wolcowicz from Germany with the grade of 1 hours and 35 minutes 6 seconds won the title of Men’s Open tournament this time. Peng Hudi and Lovisetto Marco from Italy won the 2nd and 3rd of Men’s Group. The title of Women's Group was awarded by Cai Binghui from China Ningbo with the grade of 1 hour 53 minutes 17 seconds.And Olivia Ghisoni from France and Shi Lina from Shanghai took the second and third place of the Women's Group.


The Bawu ground should be flourishing because of water and build Jinhua following trend. municipal party committee and municipal government of Jinhua focus on linking the "three rivers six shores” of jinhua and most beautiful rivers together, realizing the linkage of cities,counties and region, a place having a feature and a county having a theme, promoting the integrative development of sports, health industry and the tourism industry through Landscape Four Tournaments activities.


In recent years, Xiaoshun Town builds a "Water town in low field, Yuge Small Town" in low field blocks based on the geographical location of low field block locating in junction of Yiwu and Jinhua ecological corridors, beautiful landscape of Dongyang River, the natural advantages of natural ecology of the south bank preserved well, the agglomeration of low field industries and natural population. It also planned to construct 10 projects such as Dragon Boat Race, Maimotan Cultural Pioneer Park, Luzhou Changwan, Old Street in Low Filed, Hexin Island Ancient Cultural Park, flowers experience zone like Chrysanthemum Gardens and Lily Garden, vineyards and other fruit and vegetable bases as well as pine green road.

  2017中國山水四項公開賽是由中國鐵人三項運動協會作為指導單位,金義都市新區管委會、金華市體育局 、金華市旅遊局主辦,北京恒健國際體育文化傳播有限公司策劃,孝順鎮人民政府、金華市體育俱樂部、金華市體育産業指導中心承辦,金華市長跑協會、金華市游泳協會、金華市自行車協會、金華市飛浪皮划艇俱樂部作為體驗組執行單位,孝順漁歌旅遊有限公司獨家冠名,金華市雲芒文化傳媒有限公司作為合作單位。

2017 China Four Landscape Open Tournaments took China Triathlon Sports Association as the guidance unit and was hosted by Jin Yi New Urban District Management Committee, Sports Bureau of Jinhua and Tourism Bureau of Jinhua. It was planned by Beijing Hengjian International Sports Cultural Communication co., LTD., and undertook by People's Government of Xiaoshun Town, Jinhua Sports Club and Jinhua Sports Industrial Guidance Center.Jinhua Long-term Running Association, Jinhua Swimming Association, Jinhua Bicycle Association and Jinhua Feilang Canoe Club were the executive units of experience group. Xiaoshun Yuge Tourism co., LTD., was the exclusive sponsorship and Jinhua Yunmang Cultural Media co., LTD was the cooperating organization.

  (作者 張淵 倪茜 報道 翻譯:陳萍萍)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 倪茜 報道 翻譯:陳萍萍    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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