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"China dream discovery trip - changes of Nanxun" activity held in Huzhou, Nanxun
發佈時間:2017-10-29 13:48:12    

中國網浪潮資訊   北京時間10月28日,據湖州市南潯舉辦的“中國夢發現之旅•南潯變遷”活動獲悉,由湖州市南潯區委宣傳部與新華網浙江頻道聯合主辦,新黃浦(浙江)投資有限公司贊助支援的活動,邀請了新華小作者了解南潯變遷,開啟“中國夢發現之旅”。

On October 28th, Beijing time, according to "China dream discovery trip - changes of Nanxun" activity held in Nanxun, Huzhou, the activity organized jointly by Propaganda Department of Nanxun district Party committee of Huzhou and the Zhejiang channel of xinhuannet, sponsored by Xinhuangpu (Zhejiang) Investment Limited Company, invited Xinhua little reporters to understand the changes in Nanxun, and open the "China dream discovery trip ".


Qian Yunfei, deputy director of Nanxun District Urban Construction Bureau, introduced Xinhua little reporters that the development and changes of urban construction and human settlements in Nanxun. He wants little reporters to witness the development of Nanxun, record the changes in Nanxun, and publicize the characteristics of Nanxun to make more and more people can fall in love with Nanxun. Subsequently, the Xinhua little reporters also visited the “Xinhuangpu-garden city”. Li Hongyan, Chairman of Xinhuangpu (Zhejiang) Investment Limited Company, shared the contribution and feelings of protection and exploration of ancient town culture in the development and construction of Nanxun with Xinhua little reporters.


On that day, the Xinhua little reporters visited Nanxun with their parents together to learn how Nanxun became a great Jiangnan Town with development of economic, social and cultural in an all-round way, under the joint efforts of local Party committees at all levels and local people.


Nanxun is Chinese ancient town which is included in the world heritage list. It is also the center of modern China. The total property of Nanxun people is equivalent to the fiscal revenue of the late Qing government, so the ancient town of Nanxun is called "The First Town in Modern China". In recent years, the per capita GDP in Nanxun district has increased rapidly, and Nanxun wood industry, elevator and other industries have also become the champion in the whole country. Nanxun ancient town is listed in the world heritage list by UNESCO.


Song Guoping, deputy minister of Propaganda Department of Nanxun district Party committee of Huzhou, Qian Yunfei, deputy director of Nanxun District Urban Construction Bureau, Li Hongyan, Chairman of Xinhuangpu (Zhejiang) Investment Limited Company and so on attended the activity.

  (作者  張淵 王思楊 報道 翻譯:杜依依)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 王思楊 報道 翻譯:杜依依    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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