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首屆 “智慧健康管理”國際高峰論壇在杭州舉行
The first international intelligent health management Forum held in Hangzhou
發佈時間:2017-10-29 13:45:17    

中國網浪潮資訊   北京時間10月28日,據杭州舉行的首屆 “智慧健康管理”國際高峰論壇獲悉,伴隨人工智慧和大數據與大健康領域的緊密結合,利用數字化手段融合全方位健康顧問式網際網路服務,已經讓健康領域進入“數字化健康管理”時代。

Beijing time on October 28th, according to the firs International intelligent health management Forum held in Hangzhou was informed that with the combination of artificial intelligence and big data and a large field of health, the use of digital convergence means the full range of Health Advisory Service on the Internet, has let health field into the digital health management time.


On the meeting, Wang zhanshan, the Health Management Association Alliance Secretary General, member of the Standing Committee of Chinese health management of Chinese Medical Association; Liu yanjun, the director of Quanjun Diabetes Center; Huang Qingdong, the Vice President of Zhejiang Hospital; the director of the Nutrition Department of Peking University People's Hospital Liu Peng, the CEO of Weijian technology Lin Weihua and other experts and industry colleagues on obesity induced chronic disease status and health management have a variety of digital to express their views


“Every year in May 11th, is the world's obesity prevention day was determined by the WHO, obesity is one of the ten major chronic diseases identified by the organization. The International Institute for cancer research (IARC) has found that obesity is associated with 13 cancers, while chronic disease management has the characteristics of frequent health counseling and long-term monitoring, and has the characteristics of digital management. ” Wang Zhanshan, member of Chinese Medical Association Health Management Committee and Secretary General of China Health Management Research association introduced.


It is understood that obesity is one of the ten major chronic diseases. The National Bureau of health and Family Planning Commission issued the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents (2016); pointed out that weight loss is not only to reduce weight, but also more important is to reduce fat. In 2013, the CDC data showed that chronic patients had exceeded three hundred million, and the number of deaths per year accounted for more than 80% of the year.


The forum is intended to explore by experts and scholars and industry leaders, to push digital health management into the society, to further realize the health industry from the single health inspection to comprehensive health guidance breakthrough.

  〔作者 張淵 王思楊 報道 翻譯:張旭〕

來源: 中國網    | 作者:張淵 王思楊 報道 翻譯:張旭    | 責編:胡金    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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