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杭州國際人才大會11月舉行 人才國際化實施意見即將出臺
Hangzhou International Talent Conference will be held in November and implementation opinions on internationalization of talents will come out
發佈時間:2017-10-28 22:17:06    

 中國網浪潮資訊  作者10月27日獲悉,杭州市委組織部(人才辦)、杭州市人力社保局正在緊鑼密鼓籌備“2017浙江·杭州國際人才交流與項目合作大會”和“創客天下·2017杭州市海外高層次人才創新創業大賽”。本次大會將於11月7日-10日召開,將新推出“創新與未來産業”杭州論壇、外籍(非華裔)人才創新創業項目洽談等一系列活動。

On October 27th,the reporter learned that the Organization Department of CCPC of Hangzhou(Office of Talents) and  Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Hangzhou are making preparations intensely for "2017 Zhejiang Hangzhou International Talents Exchange and Projects Cooperation Conference" and "Entrepreneurs around the world, 2017 Hangzhou Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of Overseas High-level Talents". The conference will be held from November 7th to 10th and it will launch a series of activities such as "Innovation and Future Industry" Hangzhou Summit,  Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Negotiation of Foreign (Non-Chinese) Talents.



During the strategic opportunities period of "After G20 Summit and before Asian Games", Hangzhou focused on enhancing the international level of talents. Hangzhou is promptly formulating and making the "implementation opinions" on internationalization of Hangzhou talents, put forward specific advice in seven aspects such as building more competitive introduction mechanism of international talents and speeding up the internationalization training of local talents.


Hangzhou deepened its cooperation with State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs P.R.China, built an international talents Entrepreneurship and Innovation Park together and explored management service system mechanism of international talents and innovation of policy system. The Gongshu Park has introduced the international management operation team and signed up a batch of influential international talent projects (organizations). The West Lake Park is actively engaged in the introduction of the Chinese-France Association and other institutions; The Hangzhou International Human Resources Industrial Park located in Xiacheng District has successfully introduced 8 overseas talents service agencies, 83 foreign experts and 15 overseas high-end intellectual projects.


Hangzhou is also trying to build a more international living environment. For example, the high-tech Zone (Binjiang) selected the Dongxin Community which has a high concentration of foreigners as a pilot community of internationalization. In the next five years, Hangzhou will also strive to increase the number of schools for children of foreigners, expand the coverage of the international medical fee settlement system,achieve full coverage of urban international communities and so on.

 (中國網綜合 翻譯陳萍萍)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:翻譯陳萍萍    | 責編:丁薩    審核:張淵

新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com    新聞熱線:13157110107    


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